How To Fight Your Laziness

In order to avoid major illnesses like depression, it is important that you know how to overcome your laziness. In addition, you should be able to always see the positive aspects in everything.

This is how you declare war on your laziness

Spending the entire weekend in bed or on the couch can be very relaxing when we are tired or in desperate need of rest. Problems arise, however, when the desire to sleep or do nothing is greater than any other activity or commitment. How can you declare war on your laziness ?

The digital dictionary of the German language (DWDS) defines laziness as “a quality of not wanting to do anything, unwillingness to work, work shy”. In the Catholic religion, laziness is considered one of the deadly sins as it leads to other sins. In addition, laziness is also considered to be one of the barriers to success.

What causes laziness?

Laziness the fight - man on sofa

Basically, it doesn’t exactly help us to cope with our daily tasks. Everything we tackle becomes complicated, requires a lot of effort and additional apprenticeship time.

According to a post in  Psychology Todaylaziness turns a simple activity into something very difficult. In other words, it changes our perception of life.

It is also to blame that we lose sight of important things, that we do not concentrate on our goals and that we stray off the road to success or our personal development suffers as a result.

Suggestions to conquer physical and mental laziness

A lazy person does not think little, but has trouble focusing on what he likes.

Someone who is sluggish does not sleep all the time, but cannot maintain a routine that requires excessive exercise. If this sounds familiar to you, then you should read the following advice very carefully:

Become aware of your laziness

The first thing to do is to recognize and accept that you are lazy. Once you see this, it is much easier to work on an improvement.

Phrases such as “I work so much that I’m completely exhausted”, “I don’t feel like doing anything”, “I’m tired of trying hard when I don’t succeed” can be the beginning of a lazy phase.

That’s not a bad thing, but a wake-up call. It would be good if you analyze for yourself and find out why it is so difficult for you to carry out this or that activity. ç

Think about the cause of the problem. Sometimes you just expect too much and your body and brain tell you in this way that it is enough.

Discover the positive side of life

Having a sense of humor and “seeing the glass half full” is important to putting aside idleness. It is true that sometimes bad news, problems, or overwork at work can take away your interest in activities. However, nothing and nobody should hold you back.

Find the positive and fun aspects. For example, if you have a lot of work, thank you for being part of the population fortunate enough to have work. If you find it difficult to leave home and exercise, remember that you are healthy and have the ability to overcome yourself, etc.

Change your mindset

Laziness - visualization exercises
Visualization exercises are great for calming the mind, relieving stress, and clearing your thoughts.

Any negative or demotivating statements you make will not help you, on the contrary. Remember that your mind takes many things literally. If you repeat over and over that you are tired or want to rest, your body will respond. And you will always be tired!

However, if your thinking is positive and you say to yourself, “I’ll keep going even when I’m tired,” you don’t need pots of coffee or energy drinks to have the strength to keep up with whatever is on the agenda.

Find a pastime

It’s easy to feel exhausted and drained with the thousands of tasks we have to do every day. Often we lack a dose of joy that fills our emotional void and helps us feel more energetic instead of closing our eyes with tiredness.

How can you overcome exhaustion? Watching TV for hours is not the right answer. Instead, how about going for a walk in the park, playing with your kids or planning your next vacation?

It is your choice whether you want to go out or not; whether you prefer to stay alone or in company … The most important thing is that you have fun and have a good time! This will be good for your body and your mind.

Organization is everything

There can be many reasons for indolence. For example, because you are not well organized. Could it be that you have put too much on yourself and you cannot do everything that you have imposed on yourself? Maybe you are too easily distracted or take too long to even start your work day?

Try to work through any backlog first and spend the last few minutes of your work day talking to your work colleagues. Don’t abuse the coffee breaks.

It is better and will get you more if you are more efficient in your work. You will see that it has a positive effect!

Everything is a matter of habit. Not just at work, but at home too. Instead of spending the weekend in bed, use the free time to go for a walk or do all the things you didn’t have time to do during the week!

Make sure you get enough and restful sleep

Laziness - woman is sleeping

It may seem counterproductive to you, but it’s important to get a good rest. We have to have a good rest and not be tired in order to overcome our laziness.

If you sleep well every night, you will have less reason to complain about fatigue during the day, or you will not want to crawl desperately in your bed barely getting home.

Sleep between 7 and 9 hours every night and you will have enough energy to not only do all the planned activities, but many more!

Always go to bed at about the same time and get up at the same time each day. Within a very short time you will be able to do without your alarm clock.

Finally, we recommend that you analyze the benefits of overcoming your indolence. If it helps, reward yourself every time you pull yourself up to do something that is really difficult for you.

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