How To Recognize Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

We are convinced that it is our diversity that makes us unique. So if your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) then you should never be ashamed of it. But on the contrary. You will see how unique and enriching life is with such a child.

How to recognize Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorders, or ASD for short, are neurological conditions that can sometimes lead to significant difficulties in the social, communicative, and behavioral context.

“There is this boy who is a little different from the other children. He speaks very little and is quite introverted. He also finds it difficult to make friends and has difficulty understanding his homework. However, he is a very good football player. He seems to be a real natural with the ball. ”
Perhaps you have heard this or a similar statement about a child? Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders often behave differently from other children.

Yet very often they have outstanding skills in a certain area. If these special talents are encouraged and developed, then they can look forward to a very bright future.

People with ASD tend to repeat certain behaviors and develop routines. They usually don’t like to deviate from their daily routine. They also have a different way of learning, their attentiveness is different and their reactions to certain situations often differ from those of other children.

How is Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosed?

Autism spectrum disorders usually have many different symptoms, which are often diagnosed independently of one another: Autism, other, not clearly identifiable pervasive developmental disorders and Asperger’s syndrome are among them.

Genetic testing is not enough to identify autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It will not be able to deliver clear results. Instead, a diagnosis is made over a longer observation period, during which the behavior and development of the child are carefully observed and analyzed.

Such a diagnosis is usually made through the interdisciplinary cooperation of various specialists: medical professionals (neurologists and psychiatrists), psychologists, educationalists and experts (child psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists).

In this way, the observations and experiences made by the family can be illuminated and evaluated from all sides.

How can you identify autism spectrum disorders yourself?

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Children

The way in which Autism Spectrum Disorders express themselves can vary greatly from person to person. The differences lie in both the behavior and the intensity of the expression.

But you shouldn’t worry too much about it. It is important that you know this diagnosis and that you can give your child support as early as possible.

Some of the main features can look like this:

  • Your child seeks little or irregular eye contact. Often it stares into nothing, lost in thought.
  • It also tends to listen little or seldom look at other people .
  • In addition, children with ASD do not like to share toys with others or prefer to do things alone. These children live in their own world, one where they are happy and can be who they are.
  • Often times, they also have difficulty following conversations.
  • Another characteristic may be that your child simply repeats words or phrases they hear. This behavior is known as echolalia .
  • It is also noticeable that the facial expression, movements and gestures do not match what was said.
  • If you notice that your child is speaking in an unusual tone of voice, as if they are singing, this could be another symptom. It can also speak very monotonously, almost like a robot.
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s point of view and point of view could also be a sign of autism spectrum disorder. This makes it difficult for your child to understand situations or to anticipate the consequences of their own actions.

How are Autism Spectrum Disorders Treated?

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Toddler

It is very important to start treatment early if your child suffers from ASD. There are some drugs that are used to treat autism spectrum disorders.

However, these drugs also have numerous side effects. It can be that there is increased irritability, aggressiveness and hyperactivity. In addition, repetitive behavior patterns could intensify and attention disorders, anxiety and depression could also occur.

For this reason, it is imperative that you discuss the treatment with an experienced professional and work out the best course of action together. It is particularly important that your child does not feel pressured and does not get the feeling that they have to behave like other children.

Summary consideration

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Boy

As we mentioned at the beginning, we at Besser Healthy Living are convinced that it is our diversity that makes us unique as people.

So if your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) then you should never be ashamed of it. But on the contrary. You will see how unique and enriching life is with such a child.

In the course of time you, too, will grow and mature as a person. And you will learn to fully identify with this situation. In many countries, people work to ensure that people with autism spectrum disorders have equal rights and can live their lives in the way that best suits them.

In today’s article, we explained to you which features you can use to recognize signs of ASD in your child. However, for a final diagnosis it is essential that you seek advice and support from an expert who can make a reliable diagnosis.

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