Ideal Fruit To Fight Gastritis

Apples are highly recommended for both constipation and diarrhea. You should therefore never be absent. We recommend trying the following recipes.

Ideal fruit to fight gastritis

Today we are talking about the best fruit to fight gastritis. This condition can have a variety of causes, but an inappropriate lifestyle is often to blame.

However, if you have nausea, lumbar pain, gas or chronic fatigue, it is better to consult your doctor so that he can prescribe appropriate medication and give you recommendations.

Then we will introduce you to some types of fruit that protect against stomach pain caused by gastritis.

Each type of fruit is characterized by valuable, nutritious and fiber-rich active ingredients.

The most appropriate fruit to fight gastritis

1. Pear

Pears to fight gastritis

Thanks to the proportion of vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamins A and C and fiber, the pear is a great fruit to fight gastritis. It also regulates the nervous system and the digestive system.

2. Papaya

The papaya is a very important fruit because it contains vitamins B1, B2, A and C. It is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, sulfur and potassium.

Furthermore, it is also one of the best digestive fruits. This fruit is also very beneficial for the skin, hair, bones and the immune system.

You can simply mix a slice of papaya with a yogurt in a blender to make a drink. Have a glass of this after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s very tasty and very healthy.

3. banana

Fresh bananas are stomach-friendly

Try to eat a banana every day.

Bananas are high in fiber, high in protein and low in fat. A real source of energy that speeds up the digestive process thanks to its light laxative effect.

In addition, the banana is rich in zinc, strengthens the hair and works well against hair loss.

If you suffer from gastritis, we recommend eating ripe bananas, as green bananas can be more likely to harm the stomach.

4. The coconut

The coconut stands out for its high proportion of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Very nutritious and high in fiber, this exotic fruit helps improve digestive function.

Like the banana, it acts like a light laxative and cleanses the organism.

If you feel a constant sluggishness, it is recommended to drink a glass of coconut milk every day.

5. Peach

Peaches for gastritis

This exquisite and sweet fruit has many health benefits, such as: B. it has a diuretic and laxative effect.

Peaches also contain vitamins A, C and E, which help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cataracts and cancer. 

They are rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which help strengthen the immune system. Because they are easy to digest, they also support the liver.

Here is a recipe for a drink that can help you with gastritis:


  • 2 tablespoons of peach leaves
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • Stir the leaves in the water well for a few minutes, then let the drink cool and drink a cup 2 to 3 times a day.

6. apple

Apples have an ingredient called pectin, which turns into a gel when it comes into contact with water in the body. This gel forms a kind of protection for the intestines.

If you have diarrhea instead of constipation  (both of which can occur with gastritis) , this fruit will help absorb fluids. This causes the bowel movements to firm up.

As you can see, these fruits are very beneficial for combating the unpleasant side effects of gastritis.

However, it is not recommended to eat only one type of the mentioned fruits. Vary the enjoyment of the fruit to make it easier to eat more fruit.

You can also choose recipes that will motivate you to eat more fruit. This also improves your quality of life.

And which fruits do you prefer to eat?

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