Immediate Help Against Constipation

As an immediate aid against constipation, various home remedies are recommended, but they must not be used over a longer period of time as this could lead to opposite results. In addition, it is advisable to consume more fiber and water.

Immediate relief against constipation

The home remedies we are introducing today are for those who need immediate relief from constipation and want to avoid chemical laxatives.

However, these remedies are only a short-term help in gently emptying the bowel.

You will then find five natural remedies that could work to relieve constipation immediately. If you have chronic constipation, you definitely need to speak to your doctor about the problem.

Acute constipation

Woman suffers from constipation

These home remedies  are natural, but their fans claim that they are highly effective for acute constipation.

However, they are not recommended as a continuous treatment because they could irritate the bowel and gradually worsen the condition.

Acute constipation can occur when someone has basic defecation problems and the situation is made worse for various reasons. The reasons for this are, for example:

  • Stress,
  • Changes in diet,
  • To travel,
  • excessive consumption of fiber and too little water.

Chronic constipation

For chronic constipation, these home remedies can only be taken occasionally when the situation becomes acute.

However, you should use other treatments to  definitely resolve the problem. Most importantly, talk to your doctor about possible solutions.

Note the following recommendations:

  • Eat more fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, as well as more legumes, dried fruits and whole grain cereals.
  • Avoid finished products and foods without fiber.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day.
  • Do sports regularly.
  • Take food supplements to improve the intestinal flora.
  • Avoid stress.

Immediate relief against constipation

Sea water

Sea water against clogging

Sea water is already present in many kitchens and can also be helpful for various health problems,  because it is rich in minerals that are important for the organism. 

It is best to mix one part sea water with two parts natural water.

If you use more sea water  , it will have an almost instant laxative effect. 


An enema is an ancient, natural, relief from constipation.

All you need is an irrigator set or an enema ball, which can be purchased in the pharmacy or in a health food store.

Introduce the device with lukewarm water (not tap water!) And use a little oil as a lubricant.

You can also use an herbal infusion, such as chamomile, depending on the problem to be treated.

After the washes, a dietary supplement is recommended to repopulate the intestinal flora. 

Sen tea

This tea is a very effective immediate relief against constipation. However, it should not be used continuously as this could irritate the intestines. 

This tea is best used only in acute cases when other remedies do not work.

Drink a glass of it in the evening and if the desired effect does not occur, take another glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

For regular consumption, we recommend dandelion tea, because it improves liver function and, immediately, the function of the intestines.

Magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride against constipation

Magnesium chloride can help improve bowel function,  and it has many other benefits.

There are different types of magnesium, we recommend magnesium chloride for constipation as this has a strong laxative effect.

Many people do not want to take this dietary supplement because it stimulates bowel evacuation immediately.

Magnesium chloride can be taken in capsule form or dissolved in water if the bitter taste does not disturb. It is sold in pharmacies and diet stores.

Mixed drink with kiwi, orange and flaxseed

Acute constipation can also be treated with this delicious drink. You only need three natural ingredients for this:

  • Kiwi: This fruit is known for its high vitamin C content, it also has a laxative effect, especially when eaten in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Orange: Thanks to the citric acid it contains, this fruit helps regulate and cleanse the intestines.
  • Flaxseed: These  are an excellent way to activate intestinal transit,  especially if soaked in water overnight.

    Process all three ingredients into a drink and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Then it’s best to wait a while until breakfast. This promotes bowel evacuation.


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