Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Recommended Teas And Juices

To relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, plenty of water is recommended. However, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, as well as fried and fatty foods, should be avoided.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Recommended Teas and Juices

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a bowel disease that affects more people than we think. This disease can significantly change or disrupt everyday life as it can cause abdominal pain, general malaise and chronic diarrhea.

Unfortunately, the likelihood that it will develop into a lifelong chronic disease is very high.

Adequate and correct diet can relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. For this reason, in the first place we would like to explain the symptoms of this disease.

Then we will recommend some juices and teas that you can take after a doctor’s diagnosis in parallel to the treatment to cleanse the bowel in irritable bowel syndrome .

You should definitely see your doctor if you have symptoms . Our advice is by no means a substitute for medical treatment, but is only intended to make your everyday life a little easier.

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Weight loss (doesn’t always have to be the case).
  • Blood in your stool (not in all cases).
  • Stomach pain, general feeling of discomfort and gas, which usually go away after a bowel movement.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel.
  • Alternating between constipation and diarrhea.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is of the utmost importance that you consult a doctor.

Many people believe it is cancer and this fear can make symptoms worse.  For this reason, you’d better ask your doctor to rule out this possibility as soon as possible.

Delicious and healthy juices for irritable bowel syndrome


Apple-wheat bran juice to regulate the intestinal flora

Squeeze two apples and add a spoonful of wheat bran to the juice. Drink this immediately afterwards so that the properties are not lost. Prepare this juice three times a week.

Apple-pear-mango juice against constipation

Remove the mango kernel, wash the fruit and then press it out (the peel can also be put in the juicer). Drink this juice for breakfast.

Carrot juice

The carrot is an excellent means of regulating the digestive tract, be it with diarrhea or constipation. It eliminates colic and also relieves the unpleasant flatulence.

Squeeze two clean carrots and dilute the juice with a little water, drink it before meals.

Pear juice

Not only does pear taste good, it also contains pectin and water, which are very beneficial for normal bowel function.

Press a pear and dilute the juice with a little water. This juice tastes great. Do not peel the fruit, as the peel also has beneficial properties.

Blueberry juice

The incredible benefits of blueberries for the digestive system and urinary tract are well known, but they also protect the intestines by preventing the accumulation of toxins and protecting against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can cause gastritis, among other things.

Soothing teas for irritable bowel syndrome


Fennel tea

Fennel stimulates the digestive tract,  reduces colic, eliminates gas and abdominal distension.

Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of fennel seeds, then let it steep for a few minutes and drink the tea while it is still warm.

Mint tea

Mint tea is refreshing and relieves stomach cramps. Pour boiling water over a few leaves of fresh mint and let the brew stand for a few minutes.

Melissa tea

Lemon balm has a calming effect, stimulates digestion, helps against nausea and flatulence and also stimulates food processing.

You can drink a cup of lemon balm tea in the afternoon to avoid possible diarrhea episodes. Pour boiling water over some leaves and then let the brew steep.

Don’t forget to consume plenty of water and avoid hearty meals, too much fat, salt, fried foods and whole milk.

Alcohol and smoking are also not strictly appropriate. While this condition is not easy to treat, you can achieve a decent quality of life by eating healthy and using our tips to help ease symptoms.

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