Kamut Or Khorasan Wheat: What Is It?

Find out interesting facts about the advantages of Kamut in our article today and benefit from it too! This ancient type of grain has become increasingly popular in recent years as it provides many important nutrients.

Kamut or Khorasan wheat: what is it?

Kamut  was originally grown in Africa and is considered the ancestor of wheat. This ancient grain variety has been rediscovered in recent years as it has some very interesting health benefits. It is an excellent alternative to wheat.

The opinion of experts about the consumption of grain has changed in recent years. Certain types of grain, such as wheat, have lost a lot of their quality because they are highly processed. However, other grains are becoming increasingly popular, especially in their whole grain version. These alternatives include kamut, also known as khorasan wheat.

Differences Between Kamut and Ordinary Wheat

Kamut and wheat have some things in common:  Both are, for example, the main ingredients for various types of pasta such as noodles. However, clear differences can also be seen. For example, the kamut grain is much larger, but easier to digest.

One of the most important differences between these two types of grain is that Kamut provides significantly more protein, almost 15 g per 100 g of Kamut grain. We would like to remind you  that this is a fundamental building block that is very important for the muscles, among other things, as can be read, for example, in a study published in the journal Nutrients .

At the same time, Kamut contains more vitamins, with vitamin A in particular. This vital substance has proven its beneficial properties for the health of the eyes:  For example, vitamin A is very important in the prevention of diseases related to the macula.

Wheat is usually extremely high-bred, so alternatives that provide more nutrients are recommended.

Nutritional Properties of Kamut

Then we’ll go into some more detail about the beneficial properties of kamut so you know why you should include this grain in your diet.

This grain provides high quality energy

Carbohydrates are basic building blocks, especially for athletes. They provide the necessary energy to stimulate the anaerobic metabolism, which is important for top performance.

Sedentary people need fewer carbohydrates, but can easily absorb the right amount of this nutrient. It is important to choose high quality sources whose glycemic index should be as low as possible. 

Kamut improves intestinal health

Kamut is characterized by a high fiber content. This plant fibers promote gut health and can prevent, among other things constipation and reduce the risk of colon cancer, which, for example, in an in the journal International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition has been demonstrated published study .

Both soluble and insoluble fiber are important in the diet. Kamut is an excellent source of insoluble fiber, making it a perfect complement to other grains, such as oats, that contain beta-glucans.

Khorasan wheat has an antioxidant effect

The antioxidant effect of the kamut is due to the high content of vitamin A. As we mentioned earlier, this vitamin is capable of promoting eye health, but it is also anti-inflammatory and counteracts free radicals.

For example, an adequate supply of this micronutrient reduces the risk of developing liver disease. An article published in the journal Nutrition and Health confirms this.

Kamut supports a healthy cholesterol level

Fiber plays an important role in regulating cholesterol levels. Therefore, Kamut is excellent for lowering total cholesterol, but this grain has only a moderate effect.

In any case, you should note that having too low a cholesterol level is not healthy either. More and more experts point out that  not only the lipid values ​​are an important marker in connection with cardiovascular diseases. If the values ​​are very high, of course, it is imperative that a doctor decide which measures are necessary.

Khorasan wheat improves immune function

The micronutrient zinc, which is present in Kamut, deserves a special mention. This mineral regulates testosterone levels in men and also supports the immune system. If you take the right amount of it, you can reduce the risk of suffering from infectious diseases.

Despite all these advantages, you should keep in mind that Kamut also contains gluten  and is therefore not suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. There is no difference to wheat in this respect. However, if this problem does not exist and there is no medical diagnosis that speaks against it, there is no reason to avoid gluten.

Kamut contains interesting amounts of vitamin A, fiber and zinc.

How can you use Kamut?

It is a type of grain that is used like others:  You can boil kamut in water and then use it as a side dish or in salads.

Another option is to buy kamut flour to make cakes, bread or pasta. However, you should use specific recipes for this flour because it doesn’t behave the same as wheat flour.

Kamut, an increasingly popular grain

Khorasan wheat is characterized by important nutrients and has therefore become increasingly popular in recent years. It is definitely healthier than highly grown wheat. In addition, the preparation of kamut is very easy, as is rice or quinoa. You can combine this grain with vegetables and make delicious dishes. We strongly recommend that you try it and include it in your diet regularly!

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