Let Actions Speak For You Instead Of Words

Words can express many things. However, it is a person’s actions that bring out their true colors. Let your actions speak for you and also to other people.

Let actions speak for you rather than words

Those who are interested in you and really value you will show you this through actions instead of words. A simple phone call, message, or other gesture that surprises you

Nevertheless , we keep wasting our time and attention on people who actually don’t deserve it. It is time to take off the blindfold that is preventing us from seeing things for what they really are.

Show what you are feeling and don’t rely on words

A beautiful mouth promises a lot, but actions rather than words count.

A person’s words often disappear like the wind, and in theory you know that too. Even so, you keep ignoring this fact with terrifying ease.

Saying “I love you”, “I need you”, “You are great”, or “I like you” is pretty easy. But where are the actions that underpin these words?

Sometimes a simple exercise is enough to determine how much you really mean to someone. Cover your ears and limit yourself to watching what happens.

Look at everything that has happened so far. As if you were reconstructing a silent film in which actions count instead of words . What are you watching

Probably many things will surprise you and one or the other situation will certainly appear in a brighter light that was previously impossible to see through.

Often this is because words are given great importance when they are not reflected in the person’s actions. This can then lead to great suffering.

Again and again you fall for insubstantial excuses from people who are never there for you. You excuse this absence because you want to show understanding to the other.

This often results in decreased self-esteem and causes immense damage to you. Who else is there to help you? Just look in the mirror.

There is the person who has always been there and who took so many lies to be truth.

To be blind voluntarily

A girl with a drooping head and a bird on her shoulder realizes that she needs actions rather than words.

It’s probably not the first time you realize how blind you were to a situation. Again and again you close your eyes so that you can see things the way you want.

In fact, you wish for a different reality and therefore fall into a trap that harms you. It happens because you let it!

You should learn to keep your eyes open right from the start. This is the only way you can tell whether the person by your side is acting with integrity and not just wielding big words.

We will try to understand this with an example. Two people fall in love, but one is married.

There is no simple solution to this situation. Nevertheless, the married person gives the other hope and promises to separate in order to find happiness together soon.

What happens? Months go by, sometimes years, and the situation is still the same. The unmarried person still believes in the other person’s empty promises, even though the latter does not follow up his words with deeds.

Although it hurts, it is very important to address these things. The ears closed, open your eyes and finally see clearly what really happened.

The point is not to find someone to blame, but to resolve a situation full of unreal hopes. Only in this way can you be free and live your own life fully.

Actions instead of words: show what is important to you

The shadows of man and woman at a distance need actions instead of words.

Show me through actions how much you value me, how important I am to you and that you love me. But don’t deceive me with empty words that have nothing to do with your actions.

Enough with false hopes that only pretend a longed-for reality and probably never come true.

Don’t make the same mistake as usual. Let’s open our eyes once and for all, right from the start. No more voluntary blindfold that allows you to sink into dreams and false promises.

Your behavior will open the eyes of others too. Let actions speak for you instead of words and show others that your promises are really worth something.

Unfortunately, words are often just hot air. What really matters is what people do.

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