Medicinal Plants That Provide A Lot Of Energy

Ginseng tea provides a lot of energy. It is also characterized by antioxidant properties and therefore helps in the fight against free radicals. It also protects the immune system.

Medicinal plants that provide a lot of energy

We all have phases in which a lot is demanded of us physically and mentally. Who doesn’t come home often tired and has hardly any energy left. What can we do against it? Don’t worry, there are plenty of herbs that can help. Discover them with us.

The best stimulating medicinal plants

It could be that you are recovering from an illness or that someone in your family or friend is going through a time when they may need more energy in everyday life.

Stress at work, personal problems and preparing for exams take a lot of energy. What can you do to feel better?

First and foremost is a healthy and balanced diet. Daily habits also play a major role.

Getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, relaxation exercises and a hot bath after a long day or even a walk can help us regain new energy.

In addition, you can supplement your diet with these fabulous, natural plants that also provide energy.

1. Rosemary for more energy


This plant is very well known and popular as a spice: rosemary gives meat and rice a good taste, but is also very effective as a medicinal plant. Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, improves breathing, aids digestion and also provides energy.

  • This medicinal plant reduces tiredness and also improves blood circulation, especially that of the brain. Rosemary also works well as a tonic in recovery from an illness. It invigorates and then supplies us with energy.
  • Rosemary promotes concentration: If you want to increase your ability to concentrate, you should drink two infusions per day. 20 grams of fresh rosemary and 5 grams of dried rosemary per liter of water are ideal. The infusion lasts for two days, simply store in a glass bottle.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

You probably already know the many good properties of the aloe plant. It is a wonderful remedy, works as a wound ointment, is excellent for our skin and a good tonic for our body.

Aloe Vera contains valuable amino acids, restores health and supplies the organism with B vitamins and proteins. A very useful treasure of nature.

  • To make an infusion we only need a tablespoon of the gel from inside the plant. Bring the aloe gel to the boil with a glass of water and then let it steep. The infusion tastes even better if you add a lemon wedge. It is best drunk after lunch.

3. Guarana


You probably know Guarana (Paullinia cupana). The seeds of the plant work even better than coffee, for example.

Therefore, one should not overdo the consumption of the plant and should not have more than one drink per day. Guarana contains teophylline, theobromine, xanthine, guaranine, choline and tannins.

This fruit has a stimulating and invigorating effect, improves concentration and also improves mood. Guarana is very useful when, for example, you are very tired or going through a short low.

Various drinks also contain guarana. This plant is also available in tablet form and as a tea. We recommend consuming one cup a day, it will make you feel good, but under no circumstances should you drink too much.

4. Ginseng and cinnamon infusion


Delicious, effective and very stimulating. As you probably already know, one of the most famous properties of ginseng is undoubtedly its anti-fatigue and weakness effects.

It improves concentration and also the supply of fluids to the brain. In addition, it acts as a great natural antioxidant and is able to generate free radicals and thus fight cell aging.

Ginseng is also said to have an anti-cancer effect, it is good for our immune system and makes us feel better every day. In combination with cinnamon, the health-promoting effect is further enhanced and it also tastes delicious.

5. Mate tea


We have reported several times about the excellent properties of mate tea. It has a stimulating effect (more than a cup of coffee) and improves general well-being.

It also contains valuable vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese.

Mate tea is worth trying, it also improves blood circulation and promotes recovery after illness, combats fatigue and creates a better mood.

Mate tea has a strong antioxidant effect and is very healthy, but it needs a sweetener (sugar is usually used), otherwise it tastes a bit bitter.

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