Natural Remedies For Anemia

In addition to an appropriate diet and sufficient exercise, it is important to promote the production of red blood cells in order to guarantee a good oxygen supply to the organism.

Natural remedies for anemia

Weakness, tiredness, or apathy could be due to anemia. The most common cause of this problem is iron deficiency and the lack of certain nutrients. There are natural remedies  for anemia.

In today’s post we introduce you to various natural remedies with which you can then promote the production of red blood cells.

Why are red blood cells important?

blood cells

Erythrocytes as well as red blood cells are of great importance for the organism, because they  transport the oxygen-charged blood to all body tissues  and at the same time help in the removal of carbon dioxide.

They are red because they contain hemoglobin (an iron-rich protein). Over time, the red blood cells die and are then regenerated in the bone marrow.

However, this requires the right “ingredients”. If these are not available, it can cause anemia , also called anemia come.

Too few red blood cells are produced or they contain little hemoglobin.  Anemia is very common with a diet low in iron.

To prevent this, it is recommended that adults take 8 mg of iron daily. Women should increase this amount to 18 mg daily during menstruation.

In addition, it is also very important to eat foods rich in vitamin C. The recommended daily dose is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.

Lifestyle changes for a better blood count

A healthy life, iron-rich foods, and a doctor’s blood test and advice are very important in combating anemia.

The following changes in everyday life can also be very helpful:

Consume foods rich in iron


If you include iron-rich foods in your diet, new red blood cells can be formed. For example, the following foods are recommended:

  • Lentils (and legumes in general)
  • Spinach and Swiss chard (and leafy vegetables in general)
  • Plums and raisins
  • egg yolk
  • Red meat

Get more copper and folic acid through your diet


Copper and folic acid also play an important role in the formation of red blood cells, as these are also found in hemoglobin.

The recommended daily amount is 18 mg for women and 8 mg for men. The following foods are also recommended:

  • Free range chickens
  • full grain
  • Mollusks
  • chocolate
  • Beans
  • nuts

Folic acid as well as vitamin B9 (recommended daily amount 400 mcg for adult women, 600 mcg for pregnant women) can be found in the following foods:

  • Whole grain cereals
  • Legumes (lentils and beans)
  • Green vegetables
  • nuts

Vitamins A and C.

Vitamin A supports the development of stem cells in the bone marrow, which in turn promotes the production of red blood cells.

Vitamin A can be found in the following foods:

  • carrot
  • paprika
  • plum
  • spinach
  • apricot

Vitamin C then also supports the formation of red blood cells. We recommend 500 mg daily. This vitamin can be found in citrus fruits, tomatoes and kiwis, for example.

More movement


If you are anemic, you may not want to exercise very much, but it is very important to get enough exercise (running, cycling, swimming, etc.).

Over time you can increase the difficulty and intensity. Remember that exercise is essential to making red blood cells and keeping  the whole body adequately oxygenated.

No alcohol, no tobacco

These bad habits make the problem worse. Anyone who smokes or drinks excessively must expect the blood count to gradually deteriorate.

The blood vessels lose their elasticity as a result, the blood becomes viscous and cannot circulate properly.

Home remedies for anemia

You should see a doctor at the first symptoms, which may include weakness, headache, pale skin, or cold on the extremities.

In addition to the medically prescribed treatment,  you can take the following home remedies. However, you should discuss this with your doctor first.

Grapefruit and beetroot


This home remedy is very popular for anemia.


  • 3 beetroot
  • Juice of a grapefruit


  • Peel the beetroot and then cut into pieces.
  • Squeeze the grapefruit to get the juice.
  • Then process both ingredients well in the stand mixer.
  • Then take a few tablespoons of it every day.

Tea with walnut leaves and pollen

Our grandmothers used this home remedy. It can be very helpful in stimulating red blood cell production.


  • 2 tablespoons nut leaves (20 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon cod liver oil (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of pollen (5 g)


  • Bring the water together with the walnut leaves to a boil.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes and then remove from heat.
  • Let the tea steep for another 5 minutes and then strain the leaves off.
  • Add pollen and then drink two cups a day.

garlic soup


This recipe can also be very helpful in promoting red blood cell production. Garlic also has numerous other benefits that one can then benefit from.


  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup of oil (100 g)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 teaspoon paprika powder (5 g)
  • 8 cups of water (2 L)


  • Crush the peeled garlic cloves and then fry them in the oil.
  • As soon as they are golden yellow, add the bread slices and the paprika powder.
  • Add the water and then let it boil for half an hour.
  • You can then consume three cups a day.

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