Pain That You Should Never Ignore

Even if various pains can be normal from time to time, it is important to pay attention to certain symptoms and not to cover them up with medication. Here you can find out which pains should be considered.

Pain that you should never ignore

Often, due to lack of time, we use pain relievers instead of investigating the cause of symptoms such as headaches, stomach pains, problems in the legs, etc. You shouldn’t be too squeamish, but it is still important to know the causes and to know which pain is important and should be considered.  You will learn more about it in this article.

Pain is always a sign of a disorder in the body, such as tiredness, stress, poor nutrition, inflammation, etc. There doesn’t always have to be a serious cause, but there are certain indicators that should be considered.  Reaching out to pain medication quickly is not always the right solution. Therefore, we would like to show you which pains you should pay particular attention to.

Which pain should I pay more attention to?

Severe back pain

pain in the back
  • It is not a muscle strain, nor is it a typical back pain that you suffered from poor posture or fatigue. It is about a sudden pressure in the back accompanied by severe pain and a burning sensation. What can it be? Doctors find that this type of condition is often caused by a thoracic aortic aneurysm due to atherosclerosis. The arteries slowly harden and you feel pressure in your chest and back.
  • Back pain can also be an indication of kidney stones, but in this case the pain is more severe and affects only one side of the back.

Shooting pain in the abdomen

stomach pain
  • Abdominal pain is very common, but you should be able to distinguish the dangerous signs. First of all, you should take your temperature. If you have a fever it can be assumed that you have an infection. If it is a very sharp pain that is on the right side of the abdomen, then it could be appendicitis.  Furthermore, it can also be an inflammation of the pancreas or the gallbladder.
  • If you have pain under your sternum, it may be inflammation of the pancreas, but your doctor should diagnose it. We only inform you that centered abdominal pain must always be monitored.

Temporary chest pain

Chest pain
  • Severe pain that suddenly occurs in the chest and spreads across the neck and arm are signs of cardiac problems that you should be particularly careful about. If you get tired with the slightest exertion or if you feel nauseous when climbing stairs, for example, you should observe yourself closely and consult a doctor if necessary.

    Pain when urinating

    Pain when urinating
    • If you feel pain when you urinate and feel a burning sensation every time, it is a sign that you have an inflammation.  A bladder infection, for example, brings such annoying side effects with it, and there are also fatigue, a slight fever and abdominal pain. Most of the time, these symptoms are bladder infections, kidney problems, minor irritations or other bladder problems. In this case, too, it is the doctor who makes the diagnosis.

      We have informed you about the possible diseases so that you do not immediately overreact to every pain.  As explained at the beginning, most pain does not have a dangerous origin. Headaches can occur if you haven’t eaten enough in a day. Back pain can be due to incorrect movement, leg pain can be caused by poor blood circulation … these are common problems. However, you should note that pain is often an indication of an illness. Therefore, never neglect the abdominal or chest pain described above. Consult your doctor so he can perform the necessary tests and make a correct diagnosis. Your health always comes first.

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