Pineapple Against Constipation

Thanks to its fiber content, the pineapple is an ideal means of relieving constipation and achieving greater regularity in digestion. We can combine them with other digestive fruits in our diet.

Pineapple for constipation

Our current forms of nutrition “are taking their toll”, as they say in the vernacular. Learn about the effects of pineapple on constipation !

Too much flour and a sedentary lifestyle make it difficult for the intestines to properly dispose of digestive waste.

If you have this problem, we recommend reading the following article. We’ll tell you how to prepare the pineapple to relieve constipation.

The great properties of pineapple for relieving constipation

Pineapple is not just a rich and refreshing fruit that is perfect for hot summer days. In addition, it has many properties that are worth mentioning.

  • First, it is ideal for burning fat, so it is recommended for people with obesity, overweight, and cellulite.
  • As a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it is very suitable for patients with arthritis or gout.
  • The pineapple is also diuretic thanks to its potassium content. Its purpose is to prevent the accumulation of fluids and at the same time to cleanse and detoxify the body.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It favors the absorption of iron (its consumption is highly recommended for anemic people).
  • It has an anticoagulant effect (prevents thrombus formation and circulatory disorders).
  • The pineapple also regulates blood pressure (especially with high blood pressure), fights colds and relieves rheumatism symptoms.

The benefits of pineapple for constipation

Pineapple for constipation

Millions of people have difficulty using the toilet  because of their diet or lack of daily exercise.

Infrequent bowel movements or difficulty in defecating can be relieved if our diet is varied, if we give up the sedentary lifestyle and drink 2 liters of water a day.

In addition, we can also use the wonderful advantages of pineapple.

Thanks to its bromelain content, it generally improves digestion and allows the intestines to work without problems. The amount of dietary fiber should also be emphasized, which maintains the regularity of bowel movements. This is how pineapple helps relieve constipation.

If you have problems using the toilet, it is advisable to consume one cup of diced pineapple daily.

If the problem is a regular one, it would be good to eat the fruit several times a week. This can ensure more regular emptying.

Pineapple for constipation

On the other hand, you can drink pineapple juice as long as it is of natural origin (industrial juice is not recommended as it contains preservatives and added sugar).

One cup of this juice (250 ml) provides 0.5 grams of fiber. Therefore, in the case of acute constipation, it is advisable to consume 8 glasses (approx. One and a half liters) on the same day.

Natural enzymes from pineapple play an important role in the functioning of the large intestine.

In the case of mild constipation (e.g. vacation or change in diet) you can consume one cup of pineapple juice per day on an empty stomach and then drink a glass of water (200 ml).

For children, it is advisable to dilute half a cup of juice with half a cup of water. It’s always a good idea to have a juicer at home to prepare the juice and ingest directly.

Although the pineapple is very nutritious and beneficial, there are also some contraindications:

  • For example , it can lead to dehydration (so water should always be drunk when ingested)
  • In people with gastroesophageal reflux, pineapple juice can make symptoms worse

Other fruits for constipation

So that it doesn’t get boring always eating pineapple because you don’t like pineapple or when we can’t get the fruit on the market, there are other effective alternatives.

These can be integrated into the menu as a dessert, snack or breakfast. However, it’s always best to eat them on an empty stomach when you’re constipated:

1. Berries

They are a great source of fiber: one cup of strawberries (150 g) makes 2.9 g and one cup of blueberries makes 3.6 g.

Blackberries and raspberries are the richest: 8 grams of fiber per cup.

To maintain good bowel function, it is recommended that you consume between 20 and 30 grams of fiber per day. So it is enough to start the day with a serving of berries to achieve this amount.

In addition, berries are low in calories, provide moisture and protect the body from free radicals.

2. plums

When we are constipated, our mothers and grandmothers let us eat this delicious fruit, fresh or dried.

Plum improves bowel movement and provides a large amount of fiber. You can eat it as a dessert or drink the juice after lunch or dinner.

Fruits against constipation

3. apple

The apple is one of the healthiest fruits out there because it provides a good dose of nutrients.

The apple generally improves the digestive system and relieves constipation thanks to the pectin (a type of fiber) it contains. It increases the volume of the stool, fights inflammation and satisfies hunger.

4. Kiwi

Another of those high fiber fruits. In addition, kiwi fruit contains an enzyme called actinidin, which stimulates bowel movements and prevents the formation of gases.

It is advisable to have a fresh kiwi in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also make a shake with other fruits if you don’t like the slightly sour taste.

5. pear

It’s a fruit that is also part of the women’s family recipe book for relieving constipation.

The good news is that they can be bought all year round. Not only do they help us to alleviate digestive problems thanks to their pectin, but they also strengthen the immune system and regulate blood pressure.

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