Properties And Benefits Of Parsley

Thanks to the diuretic properties of parsley, our kidneys are cleansed and fluid retention is reduced. We can use it to enrich our dishes or take them in the form of a tea.

Properties and benefits of parsley

The parsley is an aromatic plant whose properties are of great benefit. In this way, it helps us to cleanse our vital organs and to get high blood pressure under control. We can also benefit from their antioxidant effects.

In this post, we would mainly like to focus on their properties, uses and benefits for our health. It also discusses uses for adding parsley to your diet on a daily basis.

What can we use parsley for?

Due to its aromatic taste, this herb is part of a wide variety of recipes and is very popular with well-known chefs around the world; however, it can also be used as a medicinal remedy.

The herb can be used to cleanse the kidneys, as the diuretic properties support kidney function and promote the elimination of fluids in the organism. It can also help treat and regulate high blood pressure.

The parsley contains  minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and sulfur. Its high iron content is particularly useful for people who suffer from or are prone to anemia and / or anorexia. In addition, the herb is also recommended for exhaustion, weakness and tiredness.

Parsley can be consumed in salads or in the form of a tea.

Since this plant is also rich in calcium, it can be used to treat osteoporosis. Consumption is also recommended for children and athletes in order to strengthen the bones and adapt them to the growing challenges.

Having a cup of parsley tea before you eat will stimulate your digestion and prevent stomach cramps, constipation, and other digestive problems.

The herb also helps to reduce inflammation and can also have an analgesic effect: parsley wraps soothe painful areas and bruises.

Which properties are still known?

This popular herb is also rich in antioxidants which cleanse the skin and make it look younger. It also strengthens nails and hair and prevents hair loss.

Another valuable property is the antineuralgic effect of the ingredient apiol, an oily substance that is used to relieve intermittent fever or nerve pain.

Due to its high content of vitamin C, parsley is also used in treatments or in the diet that prevent cancer, heart problems, cataracts and infections. It supports our immune system by strengthening our defenses.

How can we eat parsley?

As already mentioned, we can consume parsley raw in salads, added to various types of vegetables or in shakes combined with fruit, for breakfast or between main courses.

It is also possible to make a tea and drink it as a hot beverage before each meal to improve digestion.

In summary, we can therefore state that parsley should not be missing in our refrigerator.

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who own a garden or a place where you can grow parsley, because there is nothing better than using the plant fresh from the garden to take advantage of all its positive properties.

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