Quit Smoking – How It Finally Works!

You know that you harm yourself and others, but you can get rid of this vice. 

Quit smoking - how it finally works!

There are many good reasons why the smoking stop should. Among other things, you can use it to improve your quality of life. You know that you are harming yourself and others, but you can manage to get rid of this vice.

Tobacco consumption has increased significantly in recent years, particularly among women and young people under the age of 18. Tobacco control campaigns don’t seem to be having much of an impact. The social significance of smoking is still deeply rooted in society. But you should definitely quit smoking  to protect your health.

There are many reasons,  but we also know that it is not easy. Today we have a few tips for you to make it easier for you. But you especially need a strong will and a lot of perseverance. 

Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

Even though everyone now knows how harmful smoking is, many still believe that this is not the case for themselves. You know the future looks gray, but you live in the present. But the numbers speak for themselves and are shocking: a cigarette consists of almost 4,000 chemicals, 400 of which are carcinogenic. 

If you are not yet convinced that you should quit smoking, here are a few more reasons for you:

  • Blood pressure returns to normal just 20 minutes after the last cigarette.
  • The carbon monoxide levels in the blood regulate themselves 12 hours after the last cigarette. Within a day, the body completely eliminates carbon monoxide. The lungs are now also working at full speed to remove tobacco residues.
  • After two weeks of smoking free, lung function improves significantly and you will find that you no longer have to gasp for air while walking or running.
  • Infections, shortness of breath and coughing decrease over the course of the first 8 months of non-smoking.
  • After a year of tobacco-free use, the risk of developing heart problems decreases.
  • After 5 years, the risk of certain types of cancer such as throat, bladder and esophageal cancer decreases.
  • Over the course of 10 years, the risk of developing lung cancer drops by 50%.

    Are there any effective ways to quit smoking?

    First of all, it is important to know that there is no such thing as “THE method” to quitting smoking. On the contrary, there are countless strategies that can help smokers to finally leave the unpleasant addiction behind.

    If you want to quit smoking successfully, a combination of different strategies is advisable. Work towards it in small steps to be successful. You need a lot of stamina!

    Aspects to consider when trying to quit smoking

    In order to actually overcome this vice, you should definitely consider psychological aspects and diet.

    We explain some necessary steps here:

    Psychological aspect

    Psychological aspects of quitting smoking
    • Understanding and controlling the social and emotional factors that lead to smoking (certain friends, cigarette after a cup of coffee or during work breaks, etc.).
    • Seeing yourself as a non-smoker and telling friends and family about it. These cognitive strategies can help build willpower.
    • Certain breathing exercises and mindfulness exercises to help you go through life more consciously can help with withdrawal symptoms.
    • Distraction and stimulation through brain jogging, new hobbies or sports is also essential.


    • Avoid sweets – they can increase tobacco cravings!
    • Eat a high protein diet. Avoid overeating, however, as the body’s metabolism initially slows down when you quit smoking.
    • Increase your intake of vitamin C through oranges, lemons, mango, kiwi, berries, grapefruit, etc.
    • Eat breakfast as soon as you get up to avoid the craving for a cigarette in the first place. However, if possible, avoid coffee, because this usually increases the craving for nicotine.
    • Different types of tea can help satisfy nicotine cravings, such as cinnamon, licorice root, valerian, and passion flower tea.
    • Also try detox soups with detoxifying effects, such as artichoke soup.

    Useful products for smoking cessation

    Quit smoking products

    In order to finally successfully break the habit and benefit from the numerous advantages of not smoking, there are supportive strategies. Change certain habits or products that you normally associate with tobacco.

    In addition, there are other helpful tricks that can be used to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, it is a difficult act of will!

    Try the following tips:

    • Nicotine chewing gum: Chewing gum can temporarily replace tobacco because the body can absorb nicotine through the oral mucosa. A very proven option!
    • Nicotine tablets: Simply suck a tablet as soon as the desire to smoke and / or the withdrawal symptoms become too strong.
    • Oral spray: The spray can help reduce cravings in minutes. Sprayed a few times, and the cravings will evaporate!
    • Nicotine patch: The nicotine patch on the skin ensures a controlled nicotine supply.

    Even if you have tried several times and failed:  It is worth trying again! Don’t give up,  because you too can achieve the goal. You’ve earned a good life and you can do a great deal by quitting smoking.

    Get advice and seek support if you can’t do it on your own. It should not stay with one resolution!

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