Recipe For Arequipe: Delicious Milk Caramel Cream

Arequipe, or Dulce de Leche, is easy to make and goes well with many other recipes. It’s incredibly sweet and creamy!

Recipe for Arequipe: delicious milk caramel cream

You can find Arequipe in all sorts of stores in different Latin American countries. Do you know what that is? It is a cream made from milk, sugar and vanilla.

Would you like to cook this cream? Then read on. Here we show you  a simple, homemade recipe for Arequipe. If you like sweets, this recipe is for you. 

What is Arequipe?

It’s a creamy, sweet spread made with milk, sugar, and vanilla. This milk caramel cream is part of Latin American culture. 

In Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador the sweet cream is called Arequipe, while the Argentines call it Dulce de Leche.

It’s a  simple dessert or spread. You can easily make the recipe with just a few ingredients. Be careful when eating, because the cream contains a lot of sugar!

Arequipe - Dulce de leche

Arequipe: recipe for homemade milk caramel cream

Arequpie can be used as a spread, as a dessert or for various desserts. 

Now that you know more about where this sweet cream comes from and what basic ingredients are used to make it, it’s time to go to the kitchen and follow the  directions to make your own arequipe.


  • 1 packet of whole milk powder (950 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar (or to taste) (300 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder (9 g)


  • First, you’ll need a stainless steel saucepan. This way you can caramelize the cream without it sticking to the pot.
  • Mix milk powder and water, heat and stir well.
  • Once you’re done, add the white sugar, then add the baking powder, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Mix well.
  • Keep stirring to make a smooth cream.
  • Start on medium heat, but reduce the temperature as soon as the cream starts to get thick. Don’t forget to stir constantly!
  • If you notice any lumps, add a little water and stir  everything well again.
  • As soon as the cream turns caramel colored, you can reduce the temperature to the minimum. You are almost done now.
  • As soon as  the cream is thick enough that you can see the bottom of the pot when you stir it, take the pot off the stove. Immediately transfer the cream to another container.
  • The delicious milk caramel cream is ready.

Enjoy this recipe!

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