Relieve Low Back Pain Naturally: 4 Options

Various recommendations can help you to relieve low back pain and feel better quickly. Find out today which techniques you can use successfully. 

Relieve low back pain naturally: 4 ways

Many people often suffer from back pain in various areas, some of which can be very intense and restrictive. The complaints often arise in the lower back. Lower back pain  in the region of the lumbar spine and the sacroiliac joints (sacrum-iliac joints or sacroiliac joints) are known in technical terms as lumbar syndrome.

It is estimated that around 80 percent of adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. That is why it is very beneficial to know techniques to alleviate these unpleasant ailments.

The lumbar syndrome is one of the most common restrictive complaints worldwide, as the  American Chiropractic Association  confirms. Statistics show that more than half of the citizens of the United States experience lumbar pain each year. This situation leads many to look for ways to find relief. Natural paths are also very beneficial.

The main causes of back pain 

Woman with lower back pain
Sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of low back pain.

The lower back area is heavily stressed in everyday life because it bears the entire weight of the upper body. The main load is on the lumbar vertebrae, especially the fifth. The intervertebral discs and muscles, which give the backbone support and flexibility, are particularly important. The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers and prevent the bones from rubbing against each other. However, with increasing age there are often signs of wear and tear, herniated discs or other injuries.

These signs of wear and tear due to excessive strain or poor posture  often lead to temporary pain and stiffness in the beginning, which over time, however, become chronic and can severely impair the everyday life and well-being of the people concerned.

The lower back is particularly often affected by these complaints. This is due to different reasons:

  • Heavy physical strain from movement in this area and incorrect posture
  • Long periods of sitting in the office and lack of movement

Natural methods for low back pain 

It is always important to see a doctor for back pain who can identify the exact causes. Despite modern technologies, this is not always easy. But knowing the exact triggers is essential in order to initiate the appropriate treatment. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to relieve the pain and make everyday life easier.

1. Hot and cold treatments for lower back pain

Heat and cold treatments are excellent for relieving lower back pain. This can help reduce inflammation while improving blood flow to the affected areas. Tensions caused by staying in the same position for a long time can also be relieved in this way.

  • Use ice packs, cold compresses, or cooling pads with gel. Ice wrapped in a towel can also help relieve lumbar pain.
  • Warm compresses or a warm bath are ideal for stimulating blood circulation. This  relaxes the muscles and reduces the discomfort. 

2. Garlic home remedies for low back pain

Home remedies with garlic for low back pain
Garlic has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and therefore also helps with lower back pain.

Garlic is a very effective natural remedy for loin pain. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties due to the allicin it contains. The best remedy is to eat raw garlic. However, you can also use the white tuber externally by making garlic oil. We have a simple recipe for you:


  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil (60 ml)


  • Heat the oil in a pan and add the peeled garlic cloves. Then leave them in the pan on a low heat until they turn brown.
  • Then remove the garlic cloves and store the oil in a sealable jar.
  • You can also make the extract cold by letting the garlic cloves soak in the cold oil for 5 to 10 days.

3. Movement for lower back pain

There are many exercises that are helpful to relieve muscle and joint pain in the lower back  You should practice this every day, but adapt it specifically to your situation. Gentle stretching exercises, swimming or running are excellent because you can use them to prevent stiffness in the back.

Sitting for long periods of time affects the muscles in the sacrum area. With appropriate exercises you can strengthen the muscles and thus prevent injuries. This also reduces the risk of pain and other unpleasant complaints.

4. Get enough sleep for low back pain

Get enough sleep for low back pain
A good quality of sleep allows you to recover sufficiently during the night and to relieve pain.

Sufficient sleep and a good quality of sleep are fundamental in the prevention and treatment of various health problems. The body releases endorphins during sleep. These hormones are as effective against pain as pain relievers. When the body produces endorphins, the signals of pain in the brain decrease.

Restful sleep also relieves nervousness, stress, and depressive moods that can accompany chronic back pain. People who suffer from lumbar problems also very often have trouble sleeping.

Bad sleep can worsen the symptoms of lumbar syndrome. It is therefore of great importance to avoid both problems and thus break out of the vicious circle. Don’t forget: a doctor’s diagnosis and advice is fundamental to properly treating and controlling low back pain!

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