Remove Hair Color From Skin

If you’ve spilled your hair while coloring, you can remove hair color from your skin with simple home remedies that you can find in the kitchen.

Remove hair color from the skin

To get hair color off your skin, you don’t have to buy expensive specialty remedies from stores, it also works with home remedies that pretty much every one of us has in the kitchen. If necessary, try several remedies until you are satisfied with the result.

Remove hair dye from the skin

If you want to remove hair color from your skin , you most likely did not go to the hairdresser, but dyed yourself. Since you are not a professional, it happens more often that you have to remove hair color from your skin because you have spots on your hands, forearms, neck or even face.

There are special products available on the market to remove hair color from the skin, but these are not necessary if you know a few household tips and tricks. Please make sure that after you’ve removed the hair color from your skin, moisturize your skin, as many of the home remedies dry out the skin. Try the following methods:

Lemon to remove hair color from the skin

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural bleach that is also popular to lighten hair in the sun. Therefore, you should make sure that the juice does not get on the freshly dyed hair, but only on the places where you want to remove hair color from the skin. Rub the paint stains off the skin by rubbing them with a rag soaked in lemon juice.

You can achieve a longer exposure time if you make a mask with lemon. Mix instant oat flakes with lemon juice to make a spreadable paste that you apply as a mask and leave on for 20 minutes. Then wash off thoroughly. You should never use this mask if you have open skin areas such as scratches, abrasions or pimples, as the acid from the lemon juice would irritate the skin too much!

remove hair color from skin with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is behind product names such as “Mild bleaching without chlorine”, “Active oxygen” or “Oxykraft”. “With active oxygen” is often advertised in the trade. This “active oxygen” in cleaning agents is nothing more than hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide that you can buy is heavily diluted with water and mixed with a stabilizer so that it does not break down into its components water and oxygen when it comes into contact with metal. In the pharmacy you can buy this product in (almost) any concentration.

Hydrogen peroxide works very well against organic dyes, i.e. those of vegetable origin.  With synthetic paints, hydrogen peroxide is usually powerless, but it depends on a try!

Soda and lemon scrubs


The top layer of skin is removed by peeling and a lighter layer of skin underneath comes to the surface. A peeling is therefore suitable to remove hair color from the skin. You can get a cheap and simple peeling if you mix a lot of table sugar or salt with a little lemon or orange juice to a granular pulp and use it as a peeling. The fruit acid contained in the citrus fruits also helps to intensify the peeling and bleaching effect.

Cooking oil

If you don’t have baby oil to use to remove hair color from your skin, you can try regular salad oil. Brush the discolored area of ​​skin with the oil and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rub it down with forceful pressure and repeat the process if you are not satisfied with the result.

Do not use nail polish remover on your face!

Right, nail polish remover removes paint. From the nails. But please not if you want to remove hair color from the skin on your face. The acetone in nail polish remover is far too harsh on the skin of your face and you risk a rash. And a rash on the face looks as dumb as hair color, right?

If you got a few splashes of hair color on your hands, you can try to remove them there with nail polish remover. But please not over large areas to avoid a rash. Since nail polish remover is heavily degreased (even if it says “with nourishing oils”), you should definitely rinse the skin area with clear water and treat it with a high-fat cream.

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