Simple Home Remedies For The Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

You should not only eat a healthy diet, but also try to control stress and anxiety and other negative emotions that can also irritate the bowel.

Simple home remedies for irritable bowel symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome is harmless but very uncomfortable. The causes cannot be clearly identified, but it is a common ailment. Symptoms can be relieved with simple home remedies.

It mostly affects women , and this syndrome is often related to stress. This can lead to phases of constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal problems.

What medicine is advisable in this case? As always, it is important to follow the advice of the attending physician.

In addition, you can use a simple home remedy to relieve symptoms.

Simple home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome: aloe vera juice with mint

1. Ingredients required

First of all, we would like to emphasize once again that self-medication is by no means advisable. Any illness should be treated by a specialist doctor.

However, it should not be forgotten that many drugs have various side effects over a longer period of time. For example, liver or kidney problems etc.

It is therefore recommended not to take more medicines than necessary and to supplement them with other, natural strategies.

We recommend the following home remedies:

  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel (40 g)
  • 15 g peppermint leaves (mint essential oil can also be used)

2. Why do these remedies help against irritable bowel syndrome?

massages-irritable bowel
  • Aloe Vera:  Consuming aloe vera for 10 days can reduce inflammation and irritation of the intestines. Aloe Vera is one of the few foods that does not produce gas in the intestine. This medicinal plant also has anti-inflammatory, calming and healing effects and relieves painful cramps. It also helps regulate bowel movements, which can help prevent constipation or diarrhea. Another benefit is that you absorb the nutrients better. In addition, you excrete harmful bacteria that often cause disease.
  • Peppermint:  The journal  British Medical jorunal  published the excellent properties of peppermint for irritable bowel syndrome. Its main component menthol, for example, helps to reduce muscle contractions and soothe the intestinal walls. This reduces pain, cramps, constipation and, moreover, diarrhea. The result was clear: peppermint is a very effective remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

With aloe vera you can reduce intestinal inflammation, peppermint can also help against unpleasant pain. 

3. How is the home remedy made from aloe vera and peppermint prepared?

mint salad tea
  • Two glasses of this home remedy are then taken daily. One in the morning on an empty stomach, the other after dinner. The preparation is very simple: First heat the two glasses of water (250 ml) and then add the 40 g aloe vera gel.
  • Stir well until the aloe dissolves, then add the peppermint leaves. You can also use peppermint essential oil instead of peppermint leaves. However, only add this when the water with aloe is already lukewarm.
  • As soon as the tea with aloe and peppermint is ready, you can take it off the stove. Then let it cool down.
  • This tea is then always taken lukewarm or at room temperature. As described, then take 2 glasses a day for a period of 10 days. However, you can use this home remedy longer, so you can clean your bowels and also strengthen the entire digestive system.

    Other recommendations for treating irritable bowel syndrome

    • Avoid dairy products and fatty or spicy foods. You should also avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.
    • Eat small portions  throughout the day. It is better to eat 6 times a day, but less.
    • Consume more fiber and vegetables.
    • Papaya salad is highly recommended.
    • Plum juice as well as oatmeal and apples are also very helpful.
    • Consume flaxseed regularly.
    • Chamomile tea or cinnamon tea are also helpful in the afternoon – you will feel better afterwards.
    • A juice made from beetroot and carrots is not only very nutritious, but also helps to cleanse and protect the intestines. This is particularly recommended in the evening.
    • Avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Negative emotions, fear, and worry can all be triggers for irritable bowel syndrome.

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