Simple, Natural Remedies For The Liver

Natural lemon juice with olive oil helps to cleanse and strengthen the gallbladder and liver. The liver regenerates in the early hours of the morning, so you should not eat too much or too late in the evening.

Simple, Natural Remedies For The Liver

In this post, we’d like to recommend remedies for the liver. After consulting your doctor, you can then use them to protect your health.

The liver is one of the largest and most important organs in our body. Particularly important functions of the liver are  transforming food into energy, detoxifying and assisting digestion.

The liver suffers particularly from  poor nutrition, negative emotions and unhealthy habits. In the following article, we will introduce you to some simple, natural, and inexpensive remedies to keep this organ healthy.

Liver health is  reflected in our hair and eyesight. When our liver is inflamed, it can cause pain below the ribs that can shift to the back.

In addition, it can lead to inflammation of the right trapezius muscle, eye wrinkles, yellowish skin and yellowish eyes (sclera) as well as cholesterol problems, menstrual cramps, etc.

Remedies for the liver : food and nutrition

Food either nourishes or harms our liver. That is why diet plays an important role in the health of our liver.

We recommend  natural foods that are free from additives  (colorings, flavor enhancers, etc.).

You should therefore avoid the following foods:

  • alcohol
  • Fried foods
  • Red meat
  • Pre-cooked meals
  • milk and milkproducts
  • White sugar
  • Artificial sweeteners

Medicines can damage our liver, so we should always inform ourselves about the side effects.

In contrast, the  following foods are very healthy and are considered remedies for the liver :

  • Apple and carrot juice
  • Grapefruit
  • artichoke
  • radish
  • chicory
  • Green vegetables
  • alfalfa
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels cabbage
Carrot apple juice

In addition to consuming these healthy foods, don’t forget that the liver regenerates during the night.

It is therefore advisable not to eat too late in the evening and only eat small dishes  so that the liver is not occupied with digestion at night. As a dietary supplement, we can take group B vitamins .

These vitamins reduce transaminase and strengthen our liver. We can include foods with B vitamins – such as brewer’s yeast – in our daily diet or take a dietary supplement.

Withheld emotions

It is not just diet that affects the functions of the liver. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine  , feelings such as anger and nervousness also have a direct impact on this organ.

To prevent this from happening, we should learn to control our emotions and engage in activities that help us, such as sports or arts. This is also a natural remedy for the liver.

There is also a homeopathic remedy that can help with anger or nervousness:  Chamomilla 15CH.

We let three globules of this pass under the tongue three times a day (not at the same time as a meal, drink or food with a strong taste such as chewing gum or toothpaste).

Hot water bottles

The liver is an organ that, like the kidneys, cools down when it is not working properly. To prevent this from happening, before going to bed we put a cloth moistened with hot water on the ribs on the right side.

If we are not too hot, we also cover ourselves with a hot blanket. This remedy is also perfect for preventing insomnia.

During the day, however, we should avoid hot water bottles in order not to get sleepy.

Coffee enemas

Many people know this remedy from ancient times. It’s about enemas made from organic, ground coffee. To do this, we boil a liter of water with three spoons of coffee, let it boil for five minutes and then steep for fifteen minutes over a low heat.

Then the liquid is filtered. When the coffee is no longer hot, we use half a liter of it for enemas. To do this, we lie on our right side and let the coffee run in for ten to fifteen minutes.

This is a very powerful remedy that goes straight to the liver, increasing the activity of glutamyltransferase in the liver.

Lemon and olive oil on an empty stomach

There is a simple remedy that will help us  cleanse and strengthen our liver and bladder in the morning. To do this, we take a spoon of lemon juice and a spoon of high quality olive oil on an empty stomach.

Then we wait half an hour, drink a glass or two of lukewarm water and then we can have breakfast. In particular, this remedy also helps people suffering from constipation.


Medicinal plants

Bitter plants help in cleansing the liver and in the correct functioning of this organ. We can take the following herbal teas every day:

  • dandelion
  • artichoke
  • Milk thistle
  • Boldo
  • Celandine

The best way to sweeten the tea is with rosemary honey or stevia and refine it with a splash of lemon juice.

Pictures by elle_ann and Will Merydith

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