Skin Care For Menopause

The avocado moisturizes the skin and is therefore excellent for dry skin. The oils contained help to regenerate the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles prematurely.

Menopausal skin care

During the menopause a lot changes in the woman’s body. The hormones “go crazy” and it takes time for a new equilibrium to be reached. But what about  skin care ?

The skin also changes, loses its elasticity and moisture and becomes less firm. The skin care that you valued as a young woman no longer works as you would like and you are looking for products to care for mature skin.

Loss of moisture

The skin loses moisture and can only store it poorly with increasing age. It feels dry, tense and, in addition to the deeper indented wrinkles, there are also small wrinkles caused by dryness.

The skin is thirsty. The cosmetics industry of course has some remedies and helpers ready, but Mother Nature has also taken care of this and has some plants available for you and your changing skin.

Skin care: thirst for fat

Mature skin is drier than that of a young woman. This is not only due to the loss of moisture, but also to the increased need for nourishing fats and oils.

An otherwise oily skin becomes drier with increasing age and a mattifying cream for oily skin will no longer be sufficient. A feeling of tension remains. Now it is time for a richer cream and additional care in the form of care masks.

You don’t need to buy these in the pharmacy or in the drugstore, you can easily find them at the vegetable market. Because nature offers us everything we need for it. And all without chemicals, preservatives, perfumes and other additives!


Aloe Vera for skin care

Aloe Vera as a “miracle cure” for the skin has been known for thousands of years. Their nourishing ingredients ensure that wounds or other skin injuries or skin irritations such as sunburns heal faster. The aloe vera also serves as a moisturizer.

If you own an aloe vera in the garden, winter garden or on the balcony, you can make a great moisturizing mask yourself. To do this, cut off a piece of the thick-fleshed leaf and carefully peel off the hard, green outer skin.

The resulting light green jelly-like core is the part of the aloe vera that contains the active ingredients that your skin is waiting for. Now cut thin slices of the aloe piece with a large knife and place them over your face.

Let the aloe slices work for at least 30 minutes and relax with an audio book, for example. Remove the aloe slices, but do not wash your face!

If you don’t have an aloe plant available, you can of course also buy 100% aloe vera gel in the pharmacy and use it as a moisturizing mask.


Avocado for skin care

The avocado is a very high-fat fruit that is very creamy even as a dip with nachos. This creaminess comes from the high-quality vegetable oils contained in the avocado. These not only taste good, but also optimally care for the skin.

Avocado oil is found in many industrially manufactured cosmetics. You don’t have to spend expensive money on cosmetics that contain avocado oil, you can use the avocado directly – without any chemical additives!

Simply puree the avocado with the hand blender or mash it with a fork to make a fine puree. Then mix a few drops of lemon juice into the avocado cream and apply it liberally to your washed face.

Leave it on for half an hour and take care of your skin. Afterwards, please only wash with warm water without soap in order to maintain the care effect!

olive oil

You can also buy this care product from the greengrocer! Olive oil is part of many care series that you can buy for expensive money in the pharmacy. You can also use this wonderful natural remedy directly and in a concentrated manner on your skin!

To do this, get yourself a high-quality olive oil and apply it generously to your face. Massage it in using circular motions. The longer you massage and let the oil work, the better!

At the end of your facial oil massage, remove the excess oil with a cotton ball or paper towel and leave the rest on the face, for example overnight.

You can see that a visit to the greengrocer is good for your skin – and also for your wallet, because you can save yourself expensive care masks with these tips in the future !

This is how you supply your skin during and after the menopause with what it needs due to the hormonal change: plenty of oil and moisture!

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