Stimulating Hair Growth With Natural Means

If you are not satisfied with your hair growth, you can try to stimulate it with natural means. Try it!

Stimulate hair growth with natural means

Not everyone is gifted with luscious hair and some want to stimulate hair growth. There are, of course, various remedies on the market, but you can also try natural methods. It’s always worth a try!

Stimulate hair growth: this is what your body needs!

For optimal hair growth, your body needs certain nutrients that you need to get from your food. Without them, hair growth is very sparse.

You shouldn’t expect miracles anyway, speeding up nature is almost impossible.

Actually, hair grows really fast even without an “accelerator”! On average, about 15 centimeters per year, human hair grows back over and over again.

By the way, men’s hair grows a little faster than women’s hair, but because of its nature, men usually cannot get as long hair as women. The average hair of a man does not usually grow longer than four inches.

Hair grows from a root that is firmly anchored in our scalp. Every month every single hair grows 1-1.5cm. So the hair root has a lot to do! What does the hair root need to produce the hair?

  • Good blood circulation. The better the scalp is supplied with blood, the better the hair bulb is supplied with nutrients.
  • Zinc : the trace element zinc is not only important for a healthy immune system, but also for the formation of skin and hair.
  • Biotin : Biotin is a vitamin that is also called vitamin B7 or vitamin H. Without biotin, hair and skin cannot be formed.
  • Folic acid : This vitamin is certainly known to many women in connection with pregnancy. Folic acid, like biotin, has various names behind which the same vitamin is always hidden: vitamin B11, vitamin B9, vitamin M and also folate denote one and the same substance that is essential for the formation of new cells.

    Now it should be clear how you can stimulate healthy hair growth: your scalp should always be well cared for and well supplied with blood and your diet should always contain enough biotin, folic acid and zinc.

    But how do you do that? We will show you what is important in everyday life to ensure optimal hair growth!

    Stimulate hair growth with a healthy diet

    Eat a diet that promotes hair growth

    Of course there are “special dragees” that contain all the nutrients that are important for skin and hair. But the goal should always be to meet your nutritional needs for all body functions through your daily diet.

    So keep away from extreme diets, one-sided nutrition and do your research well if you want to change your diet so as not to suffer from deficiency symptoms!

    • Pay attention to biotin: It is recommended to take in 30-60 micrograms of biotin daily through food. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you don’t eat a balanced diet, you have a problem getting this amount. There is a particularly large amount of biotin in egg yolks, soy and oats, as well as beef liver and yeast.
    • Zinc record : Per day one should take between 12-15mg of zinc. Zinc is found in red meats, cheese, seafood, lentils, wheat germ and yeast, among other things . Nuts, especially walnuts, are also a good source of this trace element.
    • Don’t forget folic acid : Many people remember from pregnancy which foods are rich in folic acid: yeast, lentils, liver, grain germs and sunflower seeds ! If you choose whole grain products, you automatically consume more zinc than with other pastries.

      If the nutrient supply is correct, you can also start from the outside to do something for optimal hair growth:

      Massage the scalp

      When you wash your hair, give yourself and your scalp a little massage. This will ensure better blood circulation. It’s very simple: when you massage in the shampoo, use your fingers to knead the scalp well.

      Brush hair and stimulate hair growth

      Brush the scalp

      When you brush your hair, make sure that you also brush your scalp with the brush, because this gives you a little “mini-massage” every time, which ensures more blood flow to the scalp. Ultimately, this ensures that the nutrients are well transported to the hair roots.

      Protect hair roots

      Be careful not to put too much tension on the roots of your hair with your hairstyle, as this will put unnecessary strain on them and make them less productive. Be careful when using hair ties, barrettes, and other headdresses!

      Take care of the scalp

      Sunburn, heat from a hairdryer, and chemicals from hair products or hair dyes can damage the scalp. This is completely counterproductive because only a healthy scalp can produce healthy hair!

      Protect the scalp

      Make sure that nothing stresses your scalp in everyday life!

      Badly fitting protective helmets with sharp edges can irritate the scalp, for example.

      Hair clips that rub against the scalp are just as bad. Take care when you do your hair! Protect the scalp from too much cold with a hat and from too much sun with a hat!

      Good blood circulation in the scalp

      A scalp with good blood circulation ensures optimal hair growth. Make sure that your headgear does not prevent blood flow! Caps, hats, hats, helmets and other headgear that are too tight restrict the blood circulation !

      Stimulate hair growth with nettle

      Stimulate hair growth with nettle!

      In natural cosmetics, nettle shampoo is recommended as a remedy for hair loss. Homemade hair tonic made from nettle tea is also said to stimulate hair growth.

      However, there are no meaningful, independent studies on the effectiveness, but certain ingredients of the nettle stimulate blood circulation.

      If the scalp is well supplied with blood, the hair roots can also be optimally supplied with nutrients and thus supported hair growth.

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