Tendonitis In The Shoulder: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Options

Tendonitis can be very uncomfortable, restrict movement and cause intense pain.

Tendonitis in the shoulder: symptoms, causes, and treatment options

Tendon infections  can be very uncomfortable and hinder everyday life for several days. In severe cases, mobility is restricted for several weeks and patients have less strength in the affected area.

In today’s article we are talking about tendonitis in the shoulder area. This is the medical name for inflammation of the tendon, causing swelling and pain. When those affected make certain movements, uncomfortable symptoms become noticeable as the muscle whose tendon is inflamed contracts. The patient therefore also loses strength in this area.

A tendon is a strand of connective tissue that connects the bones to a muscle or group of muscles. The tendon transfers the strength of the muscle to the bones, which enables the skeleton to move. 

Tendonitis in the shoulder  is usually caused by excessive strain caused by intense or repetitive movements. Very often the complaints keep recurring, so those affected must constantly take preventive measures to prevent complaints.

Statistically, half of the world’s population will have tendinitis at some point in their life. This shows how important it is to be well informed and to take precautionary measures. Inflammation of a tendon in the shoulder area is particularly common. Find out more about it afterwards.

Causes of tendinitis in the shoulder

The overload of intense and repetitive movements can lead to inflammation of a tendon. Tendonitis in the shoulder is caused by overexertion of the shoulder girdle. So we are talking about the bones that connect the arms to the trunk.

Osteoarthritis is common in older people. The joints become stiff over time and the risk of tendinitis in the shoulder increases,  even if the overload is less.

But not only the bones suffer in old age. The tendons become stiffer and more fragile. Logically, inflammation is more likely when the tendon is less elastic.

The risk group also includes athletes who put intense strain on the shoulder area during their activities. The danger is particularly great with basketball, boxing, baseball or rowing, for example. 

So you have to differentiate between degenerative causes and overload caused by sport. At a young age, tendinitis usually occurs as a result of intense, repetitive movements during sporting or professional activities. Older people, on the other hand, are more at risk, as they often suffer from osteoarthritis and age-related stiffness.

Tendon inflammation in the shoulder area due to intense sport
Tendonitis in the shoulder is painful and usually occurs as a result of abrupt and repetitive movements.

Tendonitis in the shoulder: symptoms

The first signs of tendinitis are pain when you make certain movements. It does not have to be very broad movements,  the complaints usually arise with small rotations of the joint.

The affected area is also more sensitive. Palpation also causes pain, especially along the inflamed tendon. Therefore tight-fitting clothing can be uncomfortable in the acute phase.

The pain is often worse at night  due to the sleeping position. The shoulder has to endure more pressure, which often leads to increased waking up. Doctors therefore often recommend patients to sleep while sitting in order to avoid the symptoms.

The restricted mobility is particularly annoying. Affected people cannot stretch and often cannot pick up objects. Some of them also have difficulty eating, exercising, getting dressed or tying their shoes.
Tendinitis in the shoulder
Athletes have to interrupt their usual training if they have tendinitis.

The treatment

Tendonitis in the shoulder is usually treated with conservative therapy. Surgical intervention with arthroscopy is only an option if non-invasive methods are unsuccessful. First, doctors usually prescribe rehabilitation of the shoulder area.

The physiotherapist creates a personal therapy plan for each patient. The exercises are of course different for older people with osteoarthritis than for young athletes. The prognosis is also different.

The doctor can also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs if necessary  but always in combination with physiotherapy, resting the shoulder and cold compresses. At the beginning of treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve symptoms.

There are two different options: 

  • Steroids
  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Tendonitis has different effects at different ages

In conclusion, we can mention that the effects of tendinitis vary in each person. Sometimes it goes unnoticed and hardly affects the patient’s everyday life. After around two weeks, the problem disappears without the affected person being aware of it.

In athletes  , however, tendinitis is very restrictive and hinders training. Work-related complaints, for example from repeated work on the computer, can be very uncomfortable. Severe pain when sitting can make work impossible.

If you have any complaints, it is best to have a doctor examine you. The expert uses various diagnostic methods and then refers most patients to a physical therapist who can create a specific therapy plan.

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