This Is How You Can Straighten Your Hair Naturally

Hair masks should always be washed out with cold water, so that the outermost layer of the hair is also closed.

This is a natural way to straighten your hair

The beauty industry spends a lot of money on products that  straighten hair, from straighteners to chemical products.

But nature in turn gives us various products that, with a little ingenuity, can be used to straighten our hair naturally.

With these simple tricks, you don’t have to expose your hair to the flat iron, which with regular use can dry out and damage your hair.

In the following we introduce you to some natural products and techniques how you can straighten your hair and protect it at the same time.

Smooth hair naturally …

… with coconut milk

It is known that coconut milk can straighten hair.  In addition, this remedy is very easy to prepare.

You can simply grind the coconut pulp in a blender together with 4 to 5 tablespoons of lemon juice until you get a homogeneous paste that you can put on your hair.

Then sieve the liquid to remove the coconut pieces.

If you can’t find a whole coconut, you can buy coconut milk. However, you have to make sure that it is pure coconut milk with no artificial additives.

Mix the liquid a little and then put it in the refrigerator or freezer for about an hour until you notice a frothy layer.

Apply this foamy layer to your hair and scalp. Then cover your hair with a towel and wait a good half an hour.

Wash your hair, comb it and you will find that it is no longer so unruly and it is much easier to control and style it.

… with milk and eggs

To give your hair a dose of protein, mix two cups of milk with an egg and stir well. Then brush your hair with this mixture, or you can just dip it in it.

Then cover your hair with a bathing cap or a plastic bag and leave the treatment on for about half an hour.

Now wash your hair with cold water (warm water could harden the egg, which could make it difficult to remove from the hair) and comb it.

But be careful:  do not let the egg come into contact with your mouth or eyes, as raw eggs can be pathogenic.

When washing the egg out of your hair, make sure it runs down the back of your head, not your face.

… with olive oil

Even if olive oil doesn’t straighten your hair directly, it helps a lot in taming it. It makes your hair softer and easier to comb, which is often exactly what you need.

For this treatment, mix 5 spoons of extra virgin olive oil with honey. Add the honey gradually, stirring constantly, until you have a mixture that you can easily apply to your hair without it becoming too thick.

Massage this mixture gently and evenly into your hair. Cover your hair with a bathing cap or a plastic bag. Then, let the treatment sit well so your hair will absorb it.

After an hour, wash your hair as usual. You will see immediate results.

Images kindly provided by Stuck in Customs .

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