Tips That Could Help Against Pain In Varicose Veins

Almost 50% of all women suffer from some form of cobweb-like, purple veins on their legs, which are noticeable and, in the worst case, protrude and cause pain.

Tips that could help against pain in varicose veins

Tired legs, feeling of pressure, cramps, itching, pain … Varicose veins are no small matter, they can also have a major impact on the quality of life of those affected. Varicose vein pain can be very bothersome.

Almost 50% of all women suffer from some form of cobweb-like, purple veins on their legs that are noticeable and, in the worst case, protrude and cause pain. How can you relieve pain from varicose veins

Varicose veins are usually removed surgically, but laser treatments are also available. Since the condition is a problem with blood flow, there is a good chance it will reappear.

Genetic predisposition, a sedentary lifestyle, and diet are important factors that can lead to varicose veins. At this point, we will explain to you how you can easily and inexpensively alleviate pain from varicose veins and possibly achieve a better quality of life.

Tips that could help against pain in varicose veins

1. Improve your eating habits

  • In order to lighten your legs and thus the feeling of heaviness, you should change your eating habits. Try to eliminate salt from your diet. Do not forget that this is also hidden in many foods such as canned goods, sausages, pickles, sausages, red meat and many other foods. Try to avoid anything that could cause fluid build-up in your legs.
  • Fiber is essential to reduce the appearance of varicose veins. When fiber is lacking, pressure increases, causing venous insufficiency, which can lead to varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • It’s best to eat a healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods also help strengthen your digestive tract. Fruits that are rich in flavonoids are particularly recommended:  oranges, lemons, apples, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day.

2. Medicinal plants

  • A very effective remedy for pain in varicose veins and the feeling of heaviness in the legs afflicted by varicose veins are the so-called venotonic plants. These are natural remedies that ensure that the capillaries expand and become more resistant.
  • These plants are also anti-inflammatory, reduce swelling, and have an antioxidant effect. 
  • Other plants you can use include witch hazel leaves, red vine leaves, and ginkgo biloba. All plants can be found in health food stores or health food stores. It is recommended to take these twice a day and stay consistent. Get advice on whether you can also use creams or gels with these plants to massage your legs and get rid of the feeling of heaviness. These preparations are usually very effective.

3. The benefits of horse chestnuts for varicose veins

  • The horse chestnut is one of the most effective remedies for treating varicose veins. Their seeds contain the active ingredient “aescin”, which promotes normal blood flow. Many studies have shown that horse chestnuts are helpful for edema if fluid retention is avoided at the same time.
  •  It reduces pain with varicose veins, feelings of heaviness and cramps. It is also well suited to treat spider veins as well as ulcers and hemorrhoids.
  • Horse chestnut is available in capsule form in health food stores or health food stores. Up to 400 mg daily is recommended, half with breakfast and the rest before dinner to prevent nighttime calf cramps and pain.

4. Other basic tips for pain relief from varicose veins

  • Lie on the coach for ten minutes as soon as you get home. It is also sufficient to lie on a pillow on the arch and keep your legs against the wall.
  • Aloe Vera is then also very suitable for relieving the pressure on the varicose veins. You can do a massage with the aloe vera gel, it then gives a cool and relaxing feeling.
  • When lying down, you should make sure that your legs are always a little higher than your body.  Just put a suitable object under the mattress or pillow to get a better position.
  • Support stockings are also very suitable as they can effectively relieve pain.
  • Try to sit less. Always move when you can. If you have to sit a lot at work, try to get up often. If possible, take a short 20-minute walk before you get home. Cycling is also highly recommended.
  • Do not wear clothing that is too tight, as this can restrict mobility.
  • Cold and heat applications can be very effective. Start with a warm wrap, which will put some pressure on the varicose veins. Then take a cloth with cold water. This change in temperature is very relaxing and improves blood circulation in the legs.

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