Typical Of Abused Women

Abused women tend to hide their situation because of fear or shame. For this reason, one should pay more attention to certain subtle signs. Because these can give clues that there is a problem

Typical of abused women

Abused women react in very specific ways to various triggers that they encounter in their everyday lives. This can be used to identify people who have been mistreated.

This is particularly important when those affected are unable to request help themselves. Or when they can’t see for themselves what exactly is going on with them.

Have you ever wondered if certain people are being abused? Then you may have recognized some of the following signs.

Signs that indicate abused women

1. They try to hide their skin as much as possible

battered women hide skin

Many women suffer from psychological abuse. But there are also numerous cases of physical violence. However, the blows often hit areas of the body that are not visible.

A woman suddenly uses excessive makeup when she usually doesn’t. Another reacts indignantly when asked to bare an arm, shoulder, or other part of her body. Then they could be victims of abuse.

But how do you tell them apart? For example, people who are affected may feel nervous when trying to hide their skin. Obvious concern is evident or the victim is extremely aggressive and self-defensive.

2. Affected people are constantly afraid of the anger of their abuser

Abused women live in a constant state of vigilance. Because they want to avoid the person who abuses them getting angry or dissatisfied with them.

abused women are afraid

Because of this, they often avoid asking about certain things. Often they also use sentences like “No, I can’t go out with you because my partner doesn’t like it”, “I work so much that he would like to spend the little time we have with me”.

With all of these things one can notice a lack of assertiveness. Because these women are unable to meet their own needs. Instead, they are in constant submission to their partner’s needs.

3. Affected people hide information about their lives

People who abuse others usually cause their partners to move further and further away from friends and family.

At the same time , as soon as they come into contact with others, abused women try to hide a lot of information about their lives.

They also often use a variety of excuses not to have to say what is really going on.

In addition, they always use similar strategies as soon as they are in a conversation. Such women tend to give superficial answers to simple questions about their lives. Then try to change the subject as quickly as possible.

All of these things make those affected live under great stress. They are scared and pay attention to every word they say. Otherwise, your partner could find out about it and get angry.

4. Those affected are always on the defensive

As we have already mentioned, the women affected are constantly trying to cover up certain parts of their body. They react extremely frightened to any kind of approach or contact that outsiders try to establish with them.

abused women are always on the defensive

A simple touch on the arm, for example, can lead to an unexpected overreaction on the part of those affected. This works as if these women had been waiting the whole time for an attack from which they had to defend themselves. 

This happens especially when someone raises their arm. Suddenly the abused woman tries to cover her face in response. As if someone wanted to hit her.

5. Those affected take on all forms of responsibility

Abused women believe that everything is their fault. Often times, they believe they deserve their partner to hit or harm them.

This is also evident in other areas of life. Because those affected tend to always take the blame or responsibility on themselves. Even if this is actually not justified.

Such behavior indicates extremely low self-esteem. In addition, there is a tendency to always be in a submissive position. 

battered women are fragile

This type of woman is very vulnerable. Often times it turns out to be extremely difficult to help them. In some cases it is even impossible. Because they are convinced that they deserve what happens to them.

Their self-esteem is so low that they cause harm to themselves in this way.

However, knowing certain signs helps us not to judge such behavior as bad or negative.

In this way, one avoids increasing the damage or lowering the affected person even further. Because maybe something is really going wrong in your life.

Abuse is still a common occurrence in the society we live in. However, there are more and more ways to help affected women. In this way, women who find themselves in such a situation can turn to suitable offices.

We remember that in a lonely or lost moment, one can always turn to angel number 016. The telephone abuse line can change your life forever. It prevents abuse from leaving an immutable mark in your life.

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