Weekly Liver Detoxification

It is important to start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with two tablespoons of lemon juice and a little olive oil in order to cleanse the organism after the nightly fast.

Weekly liver detox

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Although it can regenerate itself, it is sensitive to bad eating habits and negative emotions. That’s why we recommend a week-long  liver detox that you can easily do at home. 

How does an overloaded liver make itself felt?

There are several symptoms that indicate that liver  detox would be beneficial:

  • The liver plays an important role in the digestive process. A disorder can manifest itself as abdominal pain, constipation or increased gas formation.
  • A poorly functioning liver can also affect mood and lead to irritability, hopelessness, and anger.
  • Liver disease is also heralded by the following symptoms: dark circles under the eyes, pain in the right eye, yellowing of the skin or eyes, high blood pressure or allergies and skin problems. 

    Prepare for a week-long liver detox

    You should strictly follow the instructions and eat healthy before and after this week to avoid negative reactions.

    If you are taking medication, you must definitely consult your doctor first.  It may not be the best time to do this regimen.

    Liver detoxification can cause various symptoms: headache, tiredness, a slight fever or diarrhea are common during this week. It is therefore advisable to carry out the cure under medical supervision or with the help of an alternative practitioner. 

    Prohibited foods

    During the detox week you should completely avoid the following foods:

    • alcohol
    • Fried
    • Red meat
    • finished products
    • Dairy products
    • White sugar
    • Artificial sweeteners

    On an empty stomach

    Choosing the first foods you eat after you go to sleep is important to achieve the desired effect.

    When you wake up, drink two glasses of warm water. Then take a tablespoon of olive oil with a squirt of lemon juice. This cleanses the organism and activates the liver function.


    Half an hour later, you can enjoy a healthy breakfast. Drink a freshly squeezed grapefruit juice that you can sweeten with honey or stevia if you like.

    We recommend the following alternatives for breakfast:

    1. Smoothie made from apple, pear, pineapple or banana with vegetable milk (oat or rice milk), a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast, a teaspoon of ground pollen, a handful of prunes and ground almonds.
    2. Whole grain toast with tahini (sesame paste) and avocado
    3. Whole grain bread and egg omelette sandwich

    In the morning

    The goal of liver detox is not to lose weight and not to starve. You can have a serving of fresh or dried fruit as a snack in the morning.

    The following medicinal teas are also advisable:

    • Boldo
    • Milk thistle
    • dandelion

    The lunch

    You can combine the following three alternatives for lunch:

    1. Gazpacho (Spanish, cold soup made from raw vegetables) or baked apple
    2. Brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, millet, jacket or baked potatoes
    3. Fish, white meat or legumes

    The dishes can be seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, a little sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Finally, after lunch, you can drink one of the previously mentioned teas.


    Also drink one of the herbal teas mentioned in the afternoon.


    To protect the liver, have a light dinner two hours before bed. This allows the digestive process to be completed before going to bed.

    We recommend a homemade vegetable soup with  algae, linseed oil or some wheat germ in the evening . If this is still not enough for you, you can prepare an egg dish. A rice or corn waffle is also a good choice.

    Images courtesy of  de elle_ann, Foodmayhemcom y diekatrin

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