What Can I Do For Thick Eyelashes?

Too much ink can cause eyelashes to fall out and become weaker. If you want thick eyelashes, you should care for them daily.

What can I do for thick eyelashes?

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul and a seductive look is part of the daily beauty routine for many women. There are many thick eyelash products available  , including masks, extensions, and other products. Today we would like to give you some cheap and simple tips on the subject.

We give you some advice so that you get thick lashes  naturally . Have a piece of paper and pen ready because we will explain how you can achieve impressive looks in just a few weeks.

What to do for thick eyelashes

Brush your eyelashes daily

Woman applies ink

Make it a habit to brush your eyelashes daily, as this will stimulate their growth. The blood circulation is improved and therefore they also grow. Of course, this is a matter of time, because you won’t get thick eyelashes overnight.

To do this, all you need is an eyelash brush. Don’t even look for an expensive product, because the brush of an old ink is all you need.

This brush is perfect for stimulating the growth of thick lashes. Just remove the mascara residues first and the time has come. Repeat the process every evening.

However, make sure beforehand that you are not wearing any ink, otherwise you could achieve the opposite effect and your eyelashes will become weaker.

Use olive oil for thick lashes

Olive oil has many health benefits and is extremely useful for beauty as well. A few drops will help make hair shinier and healthier. But did you know that it is also good for eyelash growth?

This is because the olive oil cleanses the hair follicles of the eyelashes. So they can grow more easily and densely. It also strengthens them, which is why they are less brittle and do not fall out as much.

  • First, put a few drops on a cotton ball.
  • Then rub it gently into your lashes from root to tip. But be careful not to get it in your eyes!
  • Repeat the application every evening.

Apply chamomile

Chamomile is a plant with various uses for the human organism. For example, it can relieve pain and inflammation. From a cosmetic point of view, it supports the strengthening of the hair. It also promotes longer and thicker eyelashes.

  • Just put some chamomile tea on your lids and lashes.
  • Use this treatment daily for faster results.

Eat foods that contain keratin for thick lashes

Our diet also plays a major role if we want to have healthy skin, hair and nails. The eyelashes are of course also included. Keratin an important component of hair!

  • Eat foods that contain keratin or that promote keratin production. These include chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes.

Apply vitamin E with coconut or almond oil

Natural products for thick eyelashes

You can also use natural products for thick eyelashes that grow quickly. One of them consists of vitamin E, coconut and almond oils.


  • 3 soft vitamin E capsules
  • 1 spoon of coconut oil (15 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of almond oil (15 ml)


  • First, mix the contents of the capsules with the oils in a container.
  • Then apply the resulting product to your eyelashes with a cotton ball.
  • Repeat the application daily or at least four times a week.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and don’t rub the area too hard. Using this product will help you get strong and thick eyelashes.

What can be done so that the eyelashes are no longer so brittle?

  • Don’t sleep with makeup on, especially if you’re using ink.
  • Don’t use too much mascara.
  • Don’t rub too hard when removing your makeup or washing your face.
  • Don’t use eyelash curlers as they can weaken or split them.
  • Avoid too many saturated fats as they can affect eyelash growth.

If you follow this simple piece of advice, you will see positive changes within a few weeks. In addition, you don’t need to use any ink or artificial eyelashes at all, except for special occasions.

It’s better to let your lashes shine naturally rather than using products that abuse and weaken them.

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