What Effects Does Wrong Breathing Have On Health?

To prevent wrong breathing technique from turning into a problem, it is important to learn to breathe consciously so that it can be done automatically over time.

What are the health effects of incorrect breathing?

The health of tissues depends on their oxygen supply. Therefore, incorrect breathing has  negative consequences for physical and mental health.

While breathing is automatic and therefore seems very simple, very often we do this process incorrectly.

Sometimes this is caused by a bent nasal septum, but often we just adopt  bad habits, are stressed and exhausted  and therefore do not breathe with the right technique.

What is wrong breathing?

Woman is practicing breathing

There are three types of breathing: abdominal breathing, rib breathing, and mouth breathing. Abdominal breathing is best, as the other types of breathing can lead to discomfort over time.

Superficial mouth breathing is worst,  because we don’t filter the air through the nose and more pathogens and pollutants can penetrate the body.

We recommend that you do not take this matter lightly, as  the consequences can be mild discomfort or very serious pathologies. 

Therefore, you should read this post and learn a proper breathing technique.

What are the consequences of incorrect breathing?

1. Sleep problems

If you do not breathe properly while you sleep, your brain will not be properly oxygenated, which will prevent you from achieving deep sleep.

Incorrect breathing is more common in waking up suddenly and feeling tired. 

In addition, morning headaches often occur as a result, which often last longer and, depending on the intensity, can severely impair everyday life.

2. Fatigue

Woman is tired

Since the oxygen acts like fuel, if the quality is poor,  tissues and muscles become overloaded,  which at the end of the day makes you feel very exhausted.

3. Depression

Anyone who continuously  suffers from exhaustion will feel this in all areas of life. 

On the one hand, this can lead to concentration problems, which is a problem at work, on the other hand, you will not feel like spending your free time with family or friends, because you only have one wish: to relax.

With problems at work and a lack of social activities, your self-esteem suffers so much over time that you fall into a depressive mood that can last more or less for a long time. The reason for this: incorrect breathing!

4. Immune system deterioration: You are more vulnerable

In addition to the consequences already mentioned, your immune system is weakened. Because the wrong breathing has a direct influence on your immune system, as it comes to a lack of oxygen and the quality of the oxygen also suffers.

As a result, you will be more susceptible to viruses, infections, and diseases that  interfere with your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities.

5.  Cardiovascular health risks


The heart is forced to overwork because there is insufficient oxygen available, which can have very negative consequences.

For this reason, the circulatory system is severely affected if the wrong breathing technique is used.

The blood that is pumped through the arteries and veins is thicker, which increases the risk of blockages in the blood vessels and can also lead to varicose veins and other ailments.

Gastrointestinal complaints

As you know, the digestive system is responsible for separating nutrients from residues.

This function cannot be performed satisfactorily if breathing is not working properly because the blood quality is insufficient.

This in turn increases  the likelihood of developing a hiatal hernia, aerophagia, or chronic gastritis.

As you can see, improper breathing has many negative health consequences, so you should make an effort to learn the correct technique.

The problem is very simple to solve: you just have to become aware of your breathing and practice.

There are many meditation courses and training courses in alternative therapies that also teach you how to breathe properly. It is worth it!

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