Which Natural Remedies Against Nail Fungus Help

If you would like to use natural remedies against nail fungus, please clarify this with your dermatologist beforehand.

Which natural remedies against nail fungus help

Natural remedies for nail fungus can impair the effectiveness of conventional medical ingredients and slow down or prevent healing. So before you use natural remedies for nail fungus , ask your dermatologist about interactions and general effectiveness.

What natural remedies for nail fungus are there?

If you would like to use natural remedies against nail fungus, there is a selection of essential oils, the effectiveness of which has been proven by tradition. These include the following essential oils:

  • Lavender oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • garlic oil
  • Chili oil
  • Thyme oil

All of these essential oils are traditional home remedies for nail fungus because they have antifungal and antibacterial properties. However, the effectiveness is often many times lower than conventional medical active ingredients, the effectiveness of which has been proven in scientific studies.

Besides natural remedies, what helps against nail fungus?

First of all, you should definitely consult a dermatologist who first has to diagnose the nail fungus with a smear. Maybe it’s not about nail fungus at all and you are doing the wrong thing on your nails and therefore never get a cure?

If the dermatologist has diagnosed you with a fungal disease, he will certainly have suggested or prescribed a treatment method for you. You should always follow this medical advice meticulously, because nail fungus in particular can be very persistent.

Basically you should note: Hygiene is particularly important now and you need a lot of patience, a fungal disease does not heal overnight, nail fungus takes months of consequence!

A treatment variant against nail fungus consists in the daily application of a special nail polish. To do this, you sometimes have to roughen the surface of the affected nails every day with a small, disposable nail file and then apply the nail polish. This works similarly with creams, gels and pens.

Sometimes it may also be necessary to remove the entire affected part of the nail. To do this, the nail is softened with a cream until the part affected by nail fungus detaches itself and the nail can then continue to grow healthily. Sometimes the doctor also prescribes additional tablets.

Laser treatment is a new therapy. It is very expensive, is not paid for by health insurances and is often not fully effective when it is first used.

Prevention of nail fungus

Before you try natural remedies for nail fungus, try to effectively prevent the development of nail fungus! The transmission takes place in principle by smear infection. This happens when the nails or feet come into direct contact with infected nails or come into contact with objects that are colonized with fungal spores. These can be towels, but also nail scissors, nail files, stockings or shoes. Infection is also possible in swimming pools or in the sauna

It is also common for a badly treated or carried athlete’s foot to spread to the nails. So if you have a fungal disease on your skin, you could even be the trigger for your own nail fungus! It is therefore important to prevent such fungal diseases and to treat them quickly and correctly.

Rules of conduct against nail fungus

There are simple rules of conduct to ensure that there is no fungal disease. If you pay attention to these really carefully, fungal infections shouldn’t stand a chance. If it does happen, you should act quickly, firstly to prevent it from worsening and spreading and, secondly, not to infect family members.

  • Always use your own towel and dry your feet well. Also between the toes and on the nails themselves.
  • Make sure that your feet are always as dry and airy as possible in the shoes.
  • Use foot deodorants or foot powder to do this.
  • Make sure you don’t put any wet or damp shoes back on.
  • Always wear your own flip-flops in public pools or saunas .
  • Avoid walking barefoot on carpeted floors in hotel rooms.
  • Towels and socks always belong in the whites!
  • Towels that have been used in public facilities must be changed immediately, all other towels at least once a week.
  • Never go to a nail salon on vacation or have a pedicure done on the beach or in hotels. The hygiene there is anything but guaranteed!
  • If your nail care instruments such as scissors, arrows and the like are not only used by you, disinfect them before use.

You can also use essential oils and natural remedies for nail fungus for prevention. For example, it might make sense to brush your nails with antifungal oils, such as lavender oil, after visiting public baths, saunas, or changing rooms.

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