Why Is Climbing Stairs Healthy? Get To Know The Many Advantages!

Different muscles are used when going up and down the stairs. Therefore it is advisable to do both. You can use it to train your calves, buttocks and quadriceps and reduce fat.

Why is climbing stairs healthy?  Get to know the many advantages!

Climbing stairs offers many health benefits and now there are even fitness exercises with this everyday movement. This aerobic exercise can be done anywhere, and it will help burn fat, get rid of cellulite, and improve cardiovascular health. Learn more about why climbing stairs is healthy below .

Why is climbing stairs healthy?

One of the reasons stair climbing is healthy is because this is an aerobic exercise. The leg muscles are effectively challenged, fat in the lower body is broken down and the body consumes a lot of energy.

This exercise will also help you burn off the macronutrients you consumed during the day and later also use the fat stored in the body so that you can lose weight. Your heart rate and lung capacity will improve noticeably.

In addition, the calories burned melt the fat cells, so that the training also works against cellulite at the same time.

Why climbing stairs is healthy: training for the legs

A person weighing 65 kg can burn 500 calories in one hour of climbing stairs. Of course, this also depends on the number of steps and the speed. So you can just climb stairs at home and save yourself an expensive gym.

But that’s not all: climbing stairs has a  very positive effect on health in the short, medium and long term.  It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. You can also lower your blood cholesterol levels and simply feel more energetic.

Why Climbing Stairs Is Healthy: Lowering Cholesterol

If you want to lose fat on your legs and stomach area, you should definitely take the stairs the next time you go to the office or home.

Walk as quickly as possible, keep your upper body upright and – if possible – wear suitable clothing. If climbing stairs is difficult to incorporate into everyday life, at least try on the weekends.

Up or down: which is better?

Experts usually answer this frequently asked question that both are very healthy, but that different muscles are trained. It is therefore advisable to use both variants. This is one of the easiest ways to exercise.

Why climbing stairs is healthy: training for the legs

Your legs will get slimmer and tighter, your waist will be narrower and you will be better able to chase the bus without getting “out of breath” – almost by the way. Even for those who are not very social, climbing stairs offers advantages – unpleasant small talk in the elevator is a thing of the past.

Whether up or down, the intensity of the exercise is almost the same. When ascending, especially the glutes and quadriceps are trained, while descending only the quadriceps (to control the full weight of the body).

Why climbing stairs is healthy: gets the body in shape

So you should use both ways to tone your legs and lose fat at the same time – exercise on the stairs at least twice a week and you will see great results.

Training on the stairs

By the way, there are different exercises that you can do on stairs, so you can provide variety. Possible exercises  are:

Climbing stairs on tiptoe

Climb the stairs and always jump ten steps with both legs, make at least four rounds. With this exercise you strengthen the strength and elasticity of your muscles.

Why climbing stairs on tiptoe is healthy

To run

Go up the stairs as fast as you can. Do four passes at a time and take a breath as you descend.

Climb two steps at the same time

Always climb two steps at the same time (at least 12 – i.e. six jumps) and relax as you go down.

Go up with just one foot

Jump with one leg and leave the other in the air without touching the steps. Make four passes (two per leg) and relax as you descend.

Why jumping and climbing stairs are healthy


Jump like a frog

Jump out of the crouch, keeping your legs and feet together. Do three sets of ten jumps each.

Heels on the thighs

Make another jump, touching your thigh or gluteus muscle with your heel. Change legs with every step. Do four rounds of ten levels each.

Knee lift

Take a long step up, touching your stomach with your knee (switch legs with each step). Repeat three times with 16 steps each.

If you have stairs in your house, you can always do these simple exercises. Just increase the speed once a week. To make the challenge more difficult, you can later use weights (a dumbbell, a bag or a bottle of sand, etc.).

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