Why Some Women Go Through Menopause Earlier

Some women go through menopause earlier than the average. This can be facilitated by unhealthy misconduct.

Why some women go through menopause earlier

The menopause will experience for many women as decisive phase of their lives. Quite a few women are afraid of it and hope to be “caught” by menopause as late as possible. Women have control over some of the factors that influence the onset of menopause .

The menopause, time of change

Menopause actually describes the point in time when a woman will have the last menstrual period of her life.

Since this is followed by a period of hormonal changes, it is also referred to as menopause. During this time, the woman’s hormonal balance changes so that she is no longer fertile.

This hormonal change leads to side effects that every woman experiences differently. In addition, these can be differently pronounced.

Most women see menopause as the end of an important period in their lives.

Many of them are plunged into a minor mental crisis after menopause. Because with the onset of menopause, a previously unfulfilled wish to have children remains forever unfulfilled. Others, on the other hand, see menopause as an opportunity to rearrange their lives and start over again.

In the end, only you determine what you make of it.

When does menopause begin?

Menopausal hot flash

Statistically speaking, women go through what is known as menopause between the ages of 50 and 51.

However, this means that menopause can also occur at the age of 45 or only in your mid-50s. There are, however, factors that can shift the timing of menopause forwards or backwards.

When a woman enters menopause or menopause is not always the same. The onset of menopause can vary from woman to woman by more than 10 years.

When menopause begins, it is not always due to nature, but also to external factors, some of which women can determine themselves!

Factors that cause early menopause

smoking alcohol

Menopause hits some women earlier than others. This is not just a freak of nature! The following behaviors and living conditions ensure that some women enter menopause earlier than others:

  • Smoke
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Ovarian diseases
  • Removing the ovaries
  • Malnutrition / malnutrition
  • Childlessness

So you have many of these factors in your own hands. It’s easy to change a few things in your life to postpone menopause a little.

Balanced nutrition

salad in menopause

Make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet. Understand that even slim women are malnourished, and even sometimes malnourished!

In particular, women who like to diet, generally eat “like a sparrow” or consume many industrially produced foods, are often undersupplied with essential vitamins and minerals despite their healthy-looking body and physique.

Make sure you maintain a healthy weight. Neither underweight nor overweight is healthy and being underweight promotes early onset of menopause. With the help of the waist circumference and the BMI, you can assess your body weight in relation to size quite well.

Refrain from alcohol

Alcohol and Premature Menopause

Alcohol itself is a cell poison that is broken down by the liver and has its known effect very quickly in the brain.

For women, the limit for pure alcohol is 12g per day. Above this value, the cytotoxin has a harmful effect – not only at the time of the onset of menopause! A small glass of red wine with only 100ml contains approx. 9g of pure alcohol. That’s about as much as 2.5 times the amount of beer!

Studies have clearly proven the positive effect of some of the substances contained in red wine on the cardiovascular system.

The polyphenols, antioxidants, tannins and secondary plant substances contained in red wine have positive effects on our heart. They can also be helpful against cancer. However, not only red wine, but also red grape juice contains exactly these substances.

The daily consumption of wine “for health reasons” can lead to physical and psychological dependence (who drinks only 100ml?). The following serious illnesses can also occur:

  • Conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Stomach cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Nerve disorders

Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small amounts, can also increase the risk of breast cancer. For us women in particular, it is therefore nonsense to drink the daily glass of red wine “for the sake of health”.

Red grape juice is a wonderful and healthy substitute! And the best thing to do is to eat the red grapes straight away: with the skin, directly from the fruit dealer. In this way you get all the healthy active ingredients of the grape, combined with lots of healthy fiber.

The dietary fiber prevents, for example, colon cancer, lowers cholesterol and has many other beneficial properties for your health. In addition, fresh grapes contain even more vitamins than grape juice.

Quit smoking

earlier in menopause from tobacco

Every smoker knows that smoking is harmful to health. It is not for nothing that large warnings are now printed on the boxes. Perhaps knowing that smoking adversely affects the onset of menopause is a reason for you to finally quit?

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