Why You Should Never Throw Away The Eggshell

Eggshell is known for its high calcium content. In fact, there are studies that show that just half a bowl helps meet the needs of this mineral. What purposes can you use eggshells for?

Why you should never throw away the eggshell

You probably can’t imagine how many things you can do with eggshells. Considering that most people eat at least one or more eggs a week, this is quite interesting information. Eggs are very versatile and you can eat them for breakfast or use them as an ingredient in various recipes to enjoy with your family.

Moreover, there are several applications for health, beauty and household purposes, where you eggshell can use. The shell is known for its calcium content, which, according to information published in the  International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition , can meet the daily calcium needs of adults. Do you want to know more about it? In today’s article, you’re going to learn some of the top uses for eggshells. Let yourself be surprised!

Eggshell for the health of your bones

A study published in the  International Journal of Pharmacology Research  found that powdered eggshell, due to its content of calcium and other elements, has beneficial effects on bones and cartilage and is useful in  the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

In a recent study published in the  Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology , postmenopausal women who consumed calcium in the form of eggshells had greater increases in bone mass than women who were treated with calcium carbonate.

Eggshell for the health of your bones

Preparation and consumption

Nowadays, you can buy ready-made eggshell powder. But you can also prepare it yourself at home.

  • Use only boiled eggshells to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
  • Then you grind the peels very thoroughly until you get a fine powder. If you want to store this powder, you should dry the pods well before preparing them.
  • You can sprinkle the powder into juices, water and other preparations.
  • To meet the calcium requirement, it is enough to consume about 2.5 grams of eggshells.
Eggshell - spine
Eggshell powder has been shown to help meet calcium needs.

Homemade peeling with egg shell

The  American Academy of Dermatology  explains that applying scrubs to the skin can help remove dead cells and impurities. Although specific products are designed for this purpose, there are also natural ingredients that make this process easier.

Eggshells can be useful in an exfoliating mask because of their texture. The application supplies the skin with minerals, among other things, and gives it a clean and smooth appearance.


  • 2 tablespoons eggshell powder
  • 1 egg white

Preparation and use

  • Crush the eggshell into a powder and mix with the egg white.
  • Spread the product on your face with a brush and let it sit until it dries.
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat once a week.
  • However, this scrub is not recommended for people with dry skin.

Strengthen your nails with eggshell

The calcium content in eggshell is also believed to be beneficial for nail health. While there isn’t enough evidence on the subject, a publication in the  New England Journal of Medicine  suggests that calcium may help nails become less brittle.


  • ½ teaspoon eggshell powder
  • 1 clear nail polish

Preparation and use

  • First you crush the egg shell. Then mix the powder with the clear nail polish.
  • Apply a coat of nail polish three times a week, more often if necessary.

Homemade fertilizer from eggshell

 Information published in  SELF Nutrition Data shows that eggshells contain zinc, phosphorus, manganese, and iron in addition to calcium  Because of this, they have been used since ancient times to nourish the soil and strengthen plants.


  • 10 egg shells

Preparation and use

  • First you grind the eggshells into a fine flour.
  • Then you give the powder on the soil of your potted plants or in the garden.
  • Use this powder as a fertilizer once a month.
Eggshell - in the straw
Eggshells contain minerals that help improve soil quality. This is how plants grow healthier.

Bleach clothes with eggshell

There are people who claim that eggshells can be used to bleach clothes. Although it is not proven,  indicate  several reports in the Internet suggests that this is an effective method. If you want to give it a try, here’s what you should do:


  • 3 egg shells
  • 1 cotton bag

Preparation and use

  • Break the eggshells into several pieces and place them in the cotton sack.
  • Then you put the bag in the washing machine along with the clothes that you want to bleach. Now you start the washing program.

As you can see, there are several interesting uses for this ingredient that you previously thought of as a waste. Now that you know how to use eggshell, you can start using it more often around your home.

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