With New Eating Habits, The Pounds Are Falling

It depends on your eating behavior if you want to lose the pounds from your hips. Or do not even want to see them there …

With new eating habits, the kilos tumble

Our eating behavior is decisive for our weight. We determine the eating habits through which we accumulate – or lose pounds. This does not mean eating diet for the rest of your life, as these are mostly small adjustments to your daily diet.

Our eating behavior is trained

We learn our eating behavior from our parents and the social environment in which we move. Nobody is born with a certain eating behavior : children do what parents teach them or set an example through their own behavior. And these are the basics of eating behavior that we also display as adults.

Our eating habits are something like a mother tongue : even when you learn new foreign languages, you never forget your mother tongue. That means: you can learn a new eating behavior just like you can learn foreign languages, but in extreme situations, stress or emotional moments you will always speak your mother tongue – or fall back into your old eating behavior.

Nutritionists assume that it takes on average about 4 years for a person to learn a new, healthy eating behavior under supervision.

To do this, you need someone who repeatedly admonishes you and takes you by the hand when you revert to your old eating habits. It’s a long way to go, so get started today by following these tips:

Eliminate between meals

Every minute of fat burning must be enjoyed, so you should not eat anything that has calories between the 3 meals. And by that we mean: really nothing! The milk in the white coffee, the spoonful of sugar in the tea, the apple in between, the candy in the car: these are all snacks that firstly interrupt fat burning and secondly bring unnecessary calories to your hips.

healthy eating habits and drinking plenty of water

Drink properly

The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%! In order to maintain all body functions, our body always needs enough fluid. Preferably in the form of pure water.

Make sure the water you drink is rich in minerals. Please do not use water that has been “enriched” by aromas or other additives with calories!

A small calculation example: 2.5 liters of apple juice spritzer add up to 700 calories, which is almost more than a complete meal that you then simply drink in addition. As pure water, the calorie balance would be zero.

Water fills the stomach and ensures that you feel full sooner. Therefore, drink half a liter of water before each meal. If you drink half a liter in one gulp and it is ice cold, your body will even burn a tiny bit of calories in the task of heating the large portion of ice water to body temperature. But that doesn’t work if you drink sip after sip with your meal!

Filling fiber

Dietary fiber is not only extremely important in the prevention of colon cancer, for optimal digestion and for maintaining a healthy intestinal flora, but also in the fight against obesity!

Due to a high fiber content in the food, your blood sugar level rises less steeply and the feeling of satiety lasts much longer. If you are full longer, you automatically eat less (better: nothing!) In between meals.

Whole grain products contain significantly more fiber and minerals than white flour products. Thus, they keep you full longer, satiate better and provide you better with the minerals and vitamins you need. Make sure to buy real whole grain products and not just dark-colored baked goods with caramel or caramel!

Eating behavior and shopping in the supermarket

Subject fat and sugar

No one needs sugar because we produce it in our bodies from grain products. Read the labels and cut sugar out of your diet completely! Sugar really has “empty” calories, because sugar does not contain vitamins, fiber, minerals or anything else that could be healthy.

Fat has the highest calorie density, which means that a “little bit” can be “a big something” too much. And very quickly. In order to avoid weight gain, you should generally eat a low-fat diet and only consume high-quality, vegetable fats such as rapeseed or linseed oil.

You can see that there are no major cuts in your diet, but over time you will notice how these few changes in your eating behavior correct your weight downwards step by step. Maybe you motivate a friend to change their eating habits and you take care of each other?

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