Words That Are Not Followed By Action Are Worthless

Words that fall like empty phrases without action are better never uttered

Words that are not followed by action are worthless

If your words are not followed by actions that show that you really feel what you are saying, it is better to be silent. Words that get stuck in the air without corresponding action should never be spoken first.

Useless words

Words that are not confirmed by deeds , actions, or events are useless, not worth uttering.

If you tell someone you love them but your actions speak a different language, why are you using those words that do not correspond to your true emotions?

If you make a promise to someone but don’t keep it, why did you make the promise with words?

If you are planning an idea, a project, maybe a vacation together with someone, but then you don’t do it, why did you arouse the hopes and emotions of others with your words?

Your words are then just smoke and mirrors, they hurt and disappoint. In hindsight and you and your words will not be taken seriously in the future. You and your words will not be paid any attention or belief.

So keep such things and words to yourself when you know or feel that you cannot follow up with actions.

You are responsible for your words

You are solely responsible for what you say, what you say and what you promise. The syllables came out of your mouth, it was your speech, your ideas, which you have to stand by and take responsibility for.

If you say something, you have to be personally responsible for it and ensure that appropriate actions follow. No one other than you will be able to carry out a promise you have made to implement your plan.

If you speak of feelings, of love and affection with your words, you must be clear that if these sentences do not correspond to your true feelings, you will completely disillusion other people. This can, among other things, plunge them into abysses that you have only dug with your sentences!

Be aware of the consequences of your speech and be more silent than throwing empty words into the room!


If you love me, show me with deeds!

Often it doesn’t take big words to show that you really mean what you say. As is well known, true and genuine love does not consist in constantly verbally assuring one another of this.  You should fill everyday life with love all by yourself.

Proofs of love do not need lengthy speeches, love vows, empty phrases or vows. On the contrary. At best, your words only describe what is happening, what you are doing, what you are feeling.

Therefore, think about acting first and then not saying big words about it instead of making big speeches that are not followed by action.

Often times it is better to show affection without making big promises, because words can be empty, gestures and actions filled with true emotions, however, show exactly what you are feeling.


Never underestimate the power of words

“Said is said”, so the child’s mouth, and “what came out once never comes in again”. The mouth of a child reveals the truth. But why do we forget these childhood wisdom as adults?

Children are quick to blurt out the truth because they have not yet learned how hurtful it can be. But why do we turn the tables as adults? We hurt with words that are not true.

Observe your social environment. You surely know someone who likes to talk a lot without their big announcements being followed by actions.

Certainly everyone can be wrong and everyone makes mistakes. But if this behavior becomes a pattern, it can lead to the fact that one no longer wants to have anything to do with such people. Think about it, you certainly know such “people with great words”.

And now listen to yourself and your own letters leaving your mouth. Could you have such traits too? Could you talk more than you do?

Observe yourself, analyze your own behavior and learn to keep silent more often. You should withdraw yourself more often, become a silent observer more often.

Put each word on the literal gold scales before you pronounce it yourself. Otherwise others will do it for you and then it may be too late and you have hurt someone, robbed someone of illusions, or gave illusions.

Take care of yourself and what you say! Go careful with your words around .

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