3 Masks Against Enlarged Pores

Extended pores are often noticeable in the nasal area. And even if they do not pose a health problem, they are still unattractive and often annoying.

3 masks against enlarged pores

Dilated pores  are very common and we often cover them up with makeup. However, it is better to find the causes and treat them. In this post you will learn more about this topic and we will also introduce you to 3 masks for fine pores.

How do enlarged pores come about ?

Expanded pores are often noticeable in the nasal area

Even if enlarged pores are not a health problem, they are often bothersome. Many women hide this small blemish  under makeup. However, this often only exacerbates the problem. The pores are clogged and additionally contaminated.

Common causes of enlarged pores are:

  • Skin pores are the  ducts of the sebum glands. When these are clogged, they expand and lead to large pores.
  • Genetic factors, too much fat or sweat or incorrectly cleaning the skin can also lead to enlarged pores.
  • The larger the pores, the more sebum is produced. That’s not bad, because it prevents infections and greases the face. The disadvantages, however, are  shiny skin and more fat. 
  • Expanded pores are particularly noticeable in the nasal area.

3 masks against enlarged pores

Homemade mask for oily skin

1. Mask with wheat flour and lemon


  • 1/2 glass of lukewarm water
  • 3 spoons of wheat flour
  • the juice of half a lemon

This mask is excellent against large pores:  the lemon has an astringent effect  and removes excess fat and blackheads. The lemon also helps reduce enlarged pores.

Wheat also has  excellent properties for the skin:  it contains zinc, vitamin E and vitamins of the B group. It nourishes the skin and works against excess fat.

This mask provides the skin with additional moisture. This makes it more elastic and ensures fine pores. How to prepare the mask:

  • It’s very easy to make: mix all the ingredients together until you get a thick paste. Then apply this to your face.
  • After 20 minutes of action, take the mask off again. Try to move your face as little as possible during this time.
  • Then rinse it off with fresh water, then apply a moisturizer.
  • This mask is particularly recommended in the evening.
  • It’s best to use them twice a week.


2. Mask with aloe vera and orange

Oranges help with enlarged pores


  • Juice of one orange
  • 1 spoonful of aloe vera gel

This is one of the most effective masks against  enlarged skin pores. 

The orange contains a lot of vitamin C, exfoliates the skin and cleanses the pores. It is also characterized by alpha hydroxy acid, which gradually refines the pores.

Aloe Vera is also ideal for the skin:  it soothes and strengthens the skin while removing impurities. This is how the mask is made:

  • First, squeeze out the orange.
  • Then remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
  • Then warm up the orange juice slightly and stir in the aloe vera gel. This will mix the two ingredients better.
  • Once the mask is lukewarm, apply it to your face with some cotton wool.
  • After 20 minutes of action, rinse the mask off with fresh water.
  • Finally, it’s best to apply a moisturizer.

3. Mask with baking soda and egg white

Salt on the skin


  • 1/2 glass of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 egg white

This mask is also a wonderful remedy for enlarged pores. The baking soda has an astringent effect and gently exfoliates the skin. In combination with the milk and the egg white  , the skin is nourished and toned. This is how the mask is made:

  • Warm the milk slightly (lukewarm).
  • Then stir in a teaspoon of baking  soda and the egg white. You can use the mixer or a whisk to do this.
  • Since the mixture is rather liquid, it is best to apply it to the skin with a little cotton wool.
  • Massage the mask in well. The circular movements stimulate blood circulation and tone the skin. This is how the mask works better.
  • Leave the mask on for 15 minutes after the massage. 
  • Then rinse it off with fresh water and then apply a moisturizer.
  • The use of this mask is recommended twice a week.

Finally, we would like to mention that these masks are  particularly recommended after a hot shower. Since the steam opens the pores, the effect is improved.

All masks described are for  oily skin. Make sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly and apply a moisturizer every day. This will gradually refine your complexion.

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