5 Detoxifying Foods That Should Not Be Missing In Your Dinner

Of course, these foods can also be consumed at other times of the day. However, they are particularly recommended in the evening.

5 detox foods that shouldn't be missing from your dinner

If you your dinner  detoxifying foods is adding very conducive to health. After the hustle and bustle of everyday life or a hearty meal, the body needs a break.

After a strenuous day at work, however, a detoxifying dinner is not necessarily attractive, because it already sounds boring and restrictive.

This is not the case. Purifying foods can form the basis of a delicious dinner and your body will be grateful for it. It is important to supply the liver with nutrients and to rid them of harmful substances.

The last meal of the day can promote the nocturnal cleansing of the organism and so you are full of energy again the next morning. At the same time, you can use it to prevent headaches and other ailments.

Read on to find out more.

The best detox foods to have in your dinner

Then, to prepare a tasty and healthy dinner, we should  choose foods that are rich in detoxifying enzymes.

It is also important that these foods are organically grown in order to actually promote the detoxification process.

In the following, we will tell you the best detox foods and how they are best consumed.


1. Artichokes protect your liver

The artichoke comes first. It is tasty and helps support a liver that is overloaded with pollutants or fat.

  • The artichoke leaves are high in fiber and contain cynarin.
  • This ingredient stimulates the formation of bile, thus protecting the bile and promoting cell renewal in the liver.
  • Artichokes are also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, which protect liver cells from damage.

Artichokes for dinner

  • With lemon, garlic and parsley.
  • As a soup with celery.

2. Beetroot, a rich, health-promoting tuber

The beetroot is also one of the best detox foods. It is highly recommended for a healthy and balanced dinner because it contains important nutrients:

  • Beetroot contains betaine, betalain, fiber, iron, folic acid and betanin. These nutrients are essential to protect health and also have a filling effect.
  • In addition, these vegetables contain pectin, a fiber that helps remove toxins from the liver.
beetroot juice dinner

Beetroot for dinner

  • Nutrition experts recommend consuming beetroot raw to make better use of the vitamins and minerals.
  • So you can prepare a juice combined with carrots or apples.
  • You can also eat the vegetables in salads by cutting them into small cubes.

3. Celery, a wonderful detox

Celery is a rich source of antioxidants and excellent enzymes. Not to be forgotten are the numerous vitamins and minerals that this vegetable contains: vitamins K, C, B6 and B9 and potassium.

Celery has long been used as a natural means of protecting the heart, increasing the amount of urine and consequently preventing disease.

Of course, celery alone does not cure a disease, but this vegetable promotes general well-being and inner balance: 

  • It is characterized by antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,
  • regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels,
  • is rich in fiber, promotes digestion as well as weight loss and
  • is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols that protect the liver.
Crushed celery

Celery for dinner

  • Crushed raw for the salad.
  • In light soups with artichokes and pumpkin.

4. Kiwi, a good choice to complement dinner

Kiwi is suitable for every moment of the day, especially in the evening this fruit is highly recommended.

  • The kiwi is rich in vitamins and minerals. It  regulates the nervous system and stimulates sleep.
  • Everyone knows that the kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which promotes detoxification, improves the body’s defenses and protects the liver.
  • The kiwi has a detoxifying effect because it is rich in fiber, which significantly improves bowel function.
  • The kiwi also contains a proteolytic enzyme that is very effective against high cholesterol.

Kiwi for dinner

  • Prepare a salad with kiwi, spinach, walnuts, salmon and tomatoes and season it with a little lemon juice.

5. Fennel tea as a conclusion

The aroma of fennel is very similar to that of anise. This tea can be found in almost every grocery store or in health food stores and is excellent after dinner or before going to bed.

Reasons Why You Should Drink Fennel Tea:

  • Fennel tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce gas and improve digestion.
  • It has a purifying and purifying effect.
  • The liver and metabolic functions are thus supported.
  • Fennel is rich in calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C and B3.
  • This can alleviate anxiety and promote sleep.

So don’t doubt it and take care of your health with a delicious, light dinner!

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