5 Fruit Shakes For Weight Loss

These fruit shakes can be drunk both before and after exercise. The vitamins have an antioxidant effect and consequently fight free radicals that accelerate the aging process.

5 fruit shakes for weight loss

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way without going hungry or not being able to enjoy the food? Then find out below how you can prepare and use fruit shakes for weight loss.

The list of foods that help you lose weight doesn’t have to be all bland foods and drinks. There are very tasty dishes for weight loss.

Some of these foods can even become a habit, including our fruit shakes for weight loss . They are widespread, refreshing and also taste delicious. You can also drink them before eating and before exercise.

More fruit

Fruits for a healthy breakfast

Of course, we all know that fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. That is why they are also used in numerous cosmetic products for skin and hair.

However, you will achieve the best effect when consuming the fruit directly. Because in this way, all nutrients are naturally absorbed by the body.

You also have the guarantee that the fruits have not been mixed with chemicals, dyes or preservatives that could be harmful to your health in the long term.

The vitamins contained in the fruits have an antioxidant effect, which means that free radicals are neutralized with their help. These are produced by the body during stress, poor nutrition or sedentary life and  they accelerate cell and tissue aging.

Fruit Shakes For Weight Loss – How Can They Help?

As mentioned earlier, there are various anti-free radical agents and some of them are found in fruits. Fruits contain a lot:

  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • bromine
  • copper
  • zinc
  • calcium

Fruits can be used in many ways and are particularly tasty in natural shakes. If you use fruit shakes for weight loss, you can maintain a balanced diet that will not only help you to be in good shape, but also to keep you healthy.

Various studies have shown that a balanced diet optimally supplies our body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. Heart disease and cancer can also be prevented in this way. A balanced diet should include:

  • full grain
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • fruit
  • vegetables

Strawberries, bananas, pineapples, melons and lemon are ideal for homemade fruit shakes for weight loss. Then you will find ideas for delicious fruit shakes that can help you lose weight.

1. Strawberry shake

A strawberry fruit shake can help you lose weight

The strawberry contains numerous vitamins, especially vitamin C. It also contains:

  • water
  • Fiber
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin E.

Strawberries are recommended primarily because of their numerous health-promoting nutrients.

Due to the nutrients and antioxidant properties, strawberries also help against wrinkles and cellulite. The delicious taste is particularly effective in a shake:

  • Combine the strawberries with milk (low-fat if you want to lose weight).
  • Prepare the shake in the stand mixer.
  • You can then sieve the fruit shake to remove the pits of the strawberry. This is how the strawberry shake tastes even better!
  • A delicious fruit shake that the whole family will definitely enjoy!

2. Banana shake – simple and delicious

A sweet banana shake tastes delicious and is healthy

Another popular fruit is the banana. In some countries it is even used for cooking. Bananas are also high in potassium, which makes them an excellent source of energy.

  • The banana shake tastes intense and contains many health-promoting properties. It can also be drunk at any time of the day.
  • If you prepare the shake with low-fat milk, it still tastes delicious and is therefore also recommended for weight loss.
  • We recommend that you do not use whole milk or ice cream for the shake, as described in some recipes, otherwise you will not have much success in losing weight. This is especially true if you drink banana shake frequently.
  • Don’t forget to eat a healthy diet and exercise enough!

3. Combine strawberry and banana

A truly delicious shake that we recommend for everyone to lose weight is made from bananas and strawberries. The slightly sour taste of the strawberry (due to the vitamin C it contains) goes perfectly with the sweet banana. Try it yourself and see how this shake will give you energy and vitality!

4. The queen of fruits for weight loss

Pineapple can detoxify the body

If you like  pineapple, this shake will taste particularly good. This fruit is wonderful for helping you lose weight. At the same time, the pineapple can also help you maintain your normal weight.

Replace the milk in this shake with natural yogurt and a little honey. You can add a little orange juice so that it doesn’t get too thick. You will see, this shake is irresistible!

5. Melon and lemon

Detoxifying smoothie with melon

This shake is especially recommended in summer because it is incredibly refreshing.

  • Prepare it with some plain yogurt and low-fat milk.
  • Make sure to remove the lemon kernels before you blend all of the ingredients in the blender.
  • A tasty and simple healthy drink that can help you lose weight and improve your lifestyle too.  

Our fruit shakes for weight loss are sure to give you more vitality and energy. You can also be sure that it does not contain any harmful foods. As you can see, you don’t have to go hungry and instead enjoy yourself and achieve your goals at the same time.

Incidentally, these fruit shakes also have a filling effect, and you therefore need fewer snacks between meals. What are you waiting for? You too can benefit from these delicious fruits and the wonderful shakes that help you lose weight. 

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