5 Habits That Worsen Gastritis

There are 5 habits like smoking, drinking alcohol or an unhealthy diet that can worsen gastritis. Therefore, these habits should be avoided.

5 Habits That Worsen Gastritis

There are 5 habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or an unhealthy diet that can make gastritis worse. Therefore, these habits should be avoided.

Gastritis is inflammation or swelling of the lining of the stomach that can cause pain. In some cases, it is caused by an infection, medication, stress, or an autoimmune reaction.

That is why in this article we introduce you to  5 habits  that can exacerbate gastritis.

In order to treat gastritis, its triggers must be identified and substances that irritate or damage the gastric mucosa must be eliminated. It is usually unproblematic. Nevertheless, the symptoms can cause abdominal pain and stomach ulcers.

Just a few simple lifestyle changes and acid-neutralizing drugs that are available over the counter can help you relieve the pain.

Most of the time, such inflammation of the gastric mucosa disappears without further complications. However, if not properly treated, it can last for long periods of time.

Below you will learn the 5 habits that you need to keep in mind in order not to worsen gastritis.

5 Habits That Worsen Gastritis

1. Drink too little water

Woman drinks water

One of these habits is under-watering. Water has a pH-neutral value. So if it is drunk in sufficient quantities, the acid level of the gastric juice is controlled, which can accelerate the healing of gastritis.

  • You should avoid drinking too much water just before and after you eat as it could be counterproductive.

2. Too much stress

Daily stress, restlessness and inner tension can have a negative impact on health and promote gastric mucosal inflammation. This causes what is known as nervous gastritis.

Unlike other manifestations, it is not caused by bacteria, but by a buildup of negative feelings.

Too much stress and nervousness lead to the release of stomach acid, which causes the stomach lining to become excessively irritated as a result of corrosion. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce stress with the help of relaxing practices such as yoga or meditation.

Everyone has stress at times, which occurs in different forms and intensities. If it’s not particularly high, it can actually be beneficial too. However, stress becomes a problem when it has a major impact on physical and mental health.

It can also worsen gastritis as cortisol levels rise in people who are stressed or anxious.

This changes the immune responses and suppresses the digestive system.  Therefore, digestive problems often arise with anxiety.

3. Smoking

Smoking is one of the 5 lifestyle habits that can contribute to gastritis. It is a major risk factor for various ailments related to the stomach.

Cigarette consumption can impair the healing of the stomach lining and cause stomach ulcers.

4. Drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol is one of the most common causes of gastritis. Alcohol contains certain toxins that irritate the lining of the stomach and, if consumed in excess, can lead to inflammation.

If the stomach is already inflamed, alcohol can cause bleeding. This creates serious conditions such as stomach ulcers.

5. Unhealthy diet


Lastly, it should be mentioned that certain foods should be avoided to reduce or prevent the symptoms of gastritis.

If the diet does not play a role in the prevention and control of gastric mucosal inflammation, changes to it can help to combat the symptoms.

  • Foods that you should avoid include spicy and fatty foods, as well as refined and fried foods .
  • Dairy products with a high fat content such as cream or milk cream also promote the secretion of gastric juice, which increases gastritis.
  • Also, you shouldn’t eat anything that could irritate or harm your stomach, such as garlic powder, bell peppers, tomatoes, or acidic drinks like coffee. Certain types of vegetables can also cause irritation.

    So don’t forget that in addition to a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet is also important to keep diseases like gastritis at bay. So if you have one, this piece of advice will definitely help you.

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