5 Methods To Break Down Excess Salt And Fat

A healthy diet contains moderate amounts of fat and salt, otherwise our organism will be out of balance.

5 ways to break down excess salt and fat

Salt and fat are some of the worst enemies of health: they can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, kidney disease, heart problems, etc.

Often times, these problems are due to poor lifestyle habits, in a culture that  promotes poor quality, nutrient-free, high- salt, and high- fat foods .

Not only adults are affected, in recent years the number of obese children has risen sharply and is of great concern.

You can still improve your eating habits today and thus ensure a better quality of life. Start by  clearing the body of excess salt and fat. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Parsley and lemon juice

Green smoothie with parsley

This drink can be consumed during the day, but the first glass should be consumed as soon as you get up on an empty morning.

It helps rid the body of excess salt  and promotes kidney function. In addition, it is characterized by a strong antioxidant effect, is rich in vitamins and activates the metabolism in order to burn more fat. This is especially thanks to the lemon juice.

It is recommended to take this juice for 3 consecutive days. This is how it is prepared:


  • 5 washed stalks of parsley
  • the juice of a lemon
  • 1 liter of water


  • First bring the water to a boil. The parsley is cooked in it for about 20 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let the infusion steep for  an hour.
  • Then strain and add the lemon juice. Even though the taste of this drink is very strong, it is very effective in eliminating excess salt. Drink it at room temperature throughout the day. As already mentioned, the first glass on an empty stomach, the rest 20 minutes after meals.

2. Strawberry water with lemon

Strawberry water not only tastes delicious and very refreshing, it is also an excellent dehydrating drink that helps with fat loss and supplies the body with vitamins and minerals.

Strawberry water is also highly recommended against fluid retention caused by too much salt.


  • 10 washed strawberries
  • 1 liter of water
  • the juice of a lemon


  • If you want, you can take the parsley drink first for three days, and then continue with the strawberry water to achieve the desired effect and to eliminate fat and salt.
  • The preparation is very simple: first bring the water to a boil. Then cut the strawberries in half and  cook for half an hour  until they are soft. Once all of the juice has been absorbed by the water, remove from heat and strain.
  • Then the strawberry water is mixed with the lemon juice in a jug. If you also add a few ice cubes, this drink tastes delicious. You can drink it throughout the day, but strawberry water is especially recommended after meals.

3. How can you replace salt?

Black pepper instead of salt

There are excellent options for replacing salt in a wide variety of dishes. Here we suggest different spices that you can use – you won’t miss the salt once you get used to it. Your health will benefit greatly from:

  • garlic
  • oregano
  • rosemary
  • black pepper
  • curry

4. More exercise

Two women cycling

Excess salt and fat can also be broken down through sweating. At the same time, the heart and the whole body benefit from sporting activities. Sometimes it is difficult to find time, but it is definitely worth it.

Don’t forget that salt and fat can cause many health problems. Start getting rid of harmful substances from your body through exercise today. 

The following sports are ideal:

  • Run for 20 minutes
  • Walk quickly for half an hour
  • cycle for half an hour
  • To dance

5. Drink more water

Someone is drinking a glass of water

We have already pointed out the importance of adequate water consumption in various articles. Water is vital because it is needed for all body functions.

Water also helps to dispose of excess salt and also helps with fluid retention (which are often responsible for swollen ankles).

Swollen ankles are also often due to kidney disorders, so it is advisable to drink enough (between 8 and 9 glasses a day). This will help your body to drain excess salt.

The organism is cleaned of pollutants and fat, which is very beneficial to health. These simple tips can help you a lot.

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