5 Quick Dinners To Lose Weight

To keep your metabolism active, it is very important to eat something in the evening. Opt for healthy, low-calorie meals.

5 quick dinners to help you lose weight

A common problem with dieting is going to the shop without thinking and not thinking about what’s on the table in advance. We’ll tell you 5 quick dinners that are suitable for a diet.

With our quick dinner recipes you not only avoid going to bed hungry, but you can even lose weight.

Why dinner is important in a diet

Being on a diet does not mean skipping meals or limiting ourselves to dishes with vegetables and protein. In fact, this is a very common mistake made by people who follow miracle diets to lose weight quickly.

In order to eat healthily and at the same time lose weight in the long term, you should ensure a balanced diet and eat five meals a day. However, the portions should be small!

Vegetable soup and other quick dinners

The energy balance should remain constant in order to prevent  cravings and restlessness. Dinner should be light, as this will help digestion before you go to sleep and sleep better.

However, you shouldn’t skip dinner, just eat fewer calories. Because in the evening you only need a little energy and your metabolism works more slowly.

What does a balanced dinner look like?

For quick dinners that are also suitable for a diet, we can combine foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, oats or pasta with vegetables. In this way we supply our body with energy and important nutrients such as vitamins and mineral salts.

Quick dinners for weight loss

Meat, fish and dairy products provide us with proteins. Legumes and tofu also provide us with protein, which is particularly interesting for vegetarians or vegans.

The perfect dinner should be composed as follows:  one  half vegetables, a quarter protein foods and a quarter carbs. In this way we supply our body with all the important nutrients it needs.

In addition, you should only use a small amount of oil for cooking. The following types of preparation are recommended:

  • grilling
  • to bake
  • Wok

Quick dinners to lose weight

Below we give you a few examples of quick dinners. Of course, you can also vary and develop these ideas.

  • Rocket salad with tomatoes
  • grilled chicken breast
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread
  • Low-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit
  • Vegetable soup with vermicelli
  • Mackerel with oven vegetables
  • Low-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit
Vegetable soup and other quick dinners
  • Green zucchini and potato puree
  • Sandwich with Turkey Breast and Cheese
  • Low-fat yogurt with granola
  • Summer lentil salad: red and green peppers, spring onions. sweet corn, pickles
  • Eggplant Tortilla
  • Low-fat yogurt and herbal tea
  • White asparagus
  • Baked sea potatoes with potatoes and onions
  • Low-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit
  • Spinach salad
  • Whole wheat pasta with tuna and prawns
  • fruit salad
  • Potato salad, carrot slices and soy flakes
  • Turkey skewer with pineapple
  • Low-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit
Potato salad and other quick dinners
  • Grilled vegetables: eggplant, bell pepper, onion, asparagus
  • Baked hake with aromatic herbs and 1 small potato
  • Low-fat yogurt with granola
  • Swiss chard with salted chickpeas
  • Mushroom pan with prawns and 1 egg
  • fruit salad

For dessert, herbal teas and fruit help  to increase the feeling of satiety without consuming too many calories.

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