5 Tips To Protect The Liver From Alcohol

Of course, alcohol consumption should be kept as low as possible. In addition, a balanced diet, plenty of water and support for the liver’s cleansing function are recommended.

5 tips to protect the liver from alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages has negative effects on various body systems, especially those responsible for processing and metabolizing alcohol.

The pollutants it contains are absorbed during the digestive process and filtered through the liver to prevent them from affecting the quality of the blood.

The liver is responsible for 90% of the  metabolism, which is possible thanks to the dehydrogenase enzymes,   but the function of this vital organ is negatively affected by excessive consumption of alcohol.

If the liver is continuously challenged with harmful substances,  its cell structure can change and this in turn can lead to problems with fat digestion.

As the cells are compromised and damaged, the long-term consequences are serious illnesses that result in a reduced quality of life.

Most of the time we are not aware of it, but  this organ carries out vital functions,  such as detoxification, the breakdown of proteins and fat, and the regulation of various hormones.

With various  healthy lifestyle habits and recommendations, the liver can be protected from the negative effects of alcohol and other pollutants. here we are of course only talking about restricted alcohol consumption, now and then.

Read on to learn more about it.

1. Healthy diet against the effects of alcohol


Eating a balanced, low-fat diet  is critical to protecting the liver. Diet plays an important role in the cleansing process and can either support it or make it more difficult.

Anyone who consumes water-rich, antioxidant and vitamin-rich foods on a daily basis  stimulates the elimination of harmful substances and prevents cell damage.

These include, for example, the following foods:

  • Red fruits
  • Apples
  • green vegetables
  • Watermelon
  • Citrus fruits
  • melon

Reducing processed foods,  red meat, and other animal protein sources is also very important.

Of course, you can eat these now and then, but it is advisable to avoid them for a few weeks in order to relieve the liver.

2. Drink more water

The daily consumption of 6 to 8 glasses of water is crucial for  a healthy detoxification process and the elimination of water retention in the tissue.

Like other organs, the liver needs large amounts of water to function properly.

It is the best alternative to soft drinks and other sugared drinks that add unnecessary pollutants to the body.

3. Do not use hydrogenated oil


Hydrogenated oil and too much saturated fatty acids also damage liver health and  often lead to fatty liver disease over time.

Those who enjoy these fats in excess weaken the functions of this vital organ and make it even more sensitive to damage caused by alcohol and other pollutants.

The fats mentioned can be found in margarine and various vegetable oils, such as the following:

  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Safflower oil

4. Consume coconut oil

Consuming a spoonful of coconut oil every day  protects the liver from harmful substances and bacterial infections.

This food consists of 92% medium-chain, 6% monounsaturated and 2% polyunsaturated fatty acids, which promote liver health.

Coconut oil also has  anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects,  which reduce the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco and environmental toxins.

5. Treatment with lemon and olive oil


The lemon and olive oil treatment is a traditional remedy that helps cleanse the liver as well as the gallbladder.

It is a purely natural home remedy that uses the antioxidants it contains to  promote the elimination of residues and reduce the damage caused by alcohol.

This remedy is taken on an empty stomach in the morning and is then said to support a healthy, low-calorie diet.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • Juice of a quarter of a lemon


  • Squeeze the lemon and then mix with the olive oil. Take immediately afterwards.
  • After half an hour you drink a glass of lukewarm water and you can have breakfast.
  • Then repeat this procedure every day for at least three weeks.
  • If you wish, you can then add a pressed clove of garlic to make the remedy even more effective.

If you take all of these steps, you can then  reduce the negative effects of alcohol.

Of course, it is best to  consume as little alcoholic beverages as possible  and to consider other healthy lifestyle habits as well.

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