5 Tricks Against Binge Eating

Constant hunger can ruin any effort you make to lose weight. Because at some point you give in to the need to eat something and suffer from binge eating. Therefore, it makes sense to use the following strategies to prevent this from happening.

5 tricks against eating attacks

You may also be familiar with one of the biggest obstacles to losing weight with a diet. Sometimes it is just terribly difficult to avoid the dreaded binge eating.

But don’t lose hope: there is definitely a remedy.

For example, it helps to improve the quality of main meals. But of course it is even more important to create something else. You have to achieve that you no longer gobble up little things in an uncontrolled manner.

Because this behavior clearly prevents you from seeing any noticeable results of your dieting efforts.

Perhaps you, like many, think that these little “snacks” are out of the question. But the calories actually add up in this way.

In addition, many people “deceive” themselves, because they tell themselves that all they need to do is eat more vegetables. They believe that just doing this will improve their diet.

But as a result, the metabolism slows down. And as a result, the body’s ability to get rid of excess fat decreases.

This can even lead to depression and frustration. After all, efforts to lose weight seem in vain.

So what can you do to solve this problem? Here we show you a few strategies that will help you against binge eating .

Tricks against binge eating

The problem of food cravings is related to many factors. This includes physical and psychological as well as environmental factors.

Most of the time, this is caused by a lack of self-esteem. In a certain way, people fill certain gaps in themselves with the immediate positive effect that food intake gives them.

Therefore, it makes sense to first consider how your self-esteem and your emotional health in general are doing.

Only then does it make sense to talk about strategies against binge eating. Because if one thing is preventing you from being happy, it naturally becomes more difficult to effectively address the other problem.

In this sense, the tips that we present to you below have a double function:

First and foremost, they help you keep feeling full longer. Because this way you can avoid the dreaded binge eating.

On the other hand, they also promote general well-being. And therefore they also have positive effects on possible psychological factors. Just give it a try!

1. Eat five meals a day

Tricks against binge eating - five meals a day

Most healthy eating plans recommend five to six meals a day. The goal is to maintain a stable weight.

You may be thinking now that it sounds like you’re eating more. But that’s not the case. Rather, it is a very effective tactic to support the metabolism and avoid binge eating.

A small meal every 3 to 4 hours stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also reduces the risk of eating more than you should or need.

In addition, you optimize the digestive process. Several small meals a day also help to maintain ideal physical and mental performance.

2. Drink enough fluids

Water, as well as teas and broths, can be great allies in controlling binge eating. Because they all not only provide the body with sufficient fluids. In addition, they also stimulate the metabolism and the detoxification process in the body.

Thanks to these properties, they all help in weight loss.

They also ensure better digestive health. In fact, they are the key to good circulation. And they have an impact on the maintenance of muscle mass.

3. Eat a high-fiber diet

Tricks against binge eating - high fiber foods

High fiber foods contain complex carbohydrates. These serve as the body’s primary source of energy. One of the most important qualities, however, is their ability to counteract those insatiable cravings for food.

Fiber-rich foods help you feel full between meals. This way you will definitely consume fewer additional calories in between.

At the same time , they promote the breakdown of bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevent digestive problems such as constipation. Here is a selection of high fiber foods:

  • Whole grain cereals
  • Dried fruits, nuts and various seeds
  • Green vegetables
  • Peeled fruits
  • Vegetable milk

4. Eat enough foods that contain tryptophan

Tryptophan plays a very important role in controlling binge eating. It is an essential amino acid. It is involved in complex metabolic cycles. They then convert this into serotonin, which is also important.

Once the body assimilates this amino acid, it affects the control of appetite and cravings.

In general, this will improve your mood. In addition, depressive behavior is less common. Which foods contain tryptophan?

  • Proteins of animal origin (meat, fish or eggs)
  • Dairy products
  • Bananas
  • pineapple
  • Dried fruits

5. Remember: Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

Tricks against binge eating - eat slowly

Nowadays everything has to be done quickly. Many people no longer know the habit of eating slowly and without distraction. And so it happens that after consuming a reasonable amount, hunger returns earlier than expected.

Because eating quickly prevents the brain from activating the satiety signals in time. It also affects the digestive process. Those who eat too quickly are not chewing thoroughly. As a result, the stomach is then overloaded. And so the processing of the food takes longer.

So, in order to avoid binge eating, you should consider the following:

  • Inhale and exhale a few times before starting your meal.
  • Take a good look at your dish. This is how you become aware of what you are actually going to eat.
  • Eat slowly and don’t forget to chew thoroughly.
  • Put the cutlery down between each bite.

Do you also have problems with binge eating? Do your diet attempts fail regularly? Do you feel hungry all the time?

Then just try out these tricks! They are actually very simple and basic things that concern nutrition in general. But you will see: they actually help to solve this problem!

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