6 Home Remedies To Relieve Flatulence

You don’t always have to take pills to alleviate annoying flatulence

6 home remedies to relieve gas and wind

Relieving gas and bloating is important. Not only are they odorous annoyances, but they can also lead to abdominal pain.

We have put together 6 home remedies for you that can help against flatulence and dispel the stomach ache.

The teas we mentioned are also well suited to relieve gas and wind in children! Only ginger and garlic shouldn’t really meet the taste of Juniors …


Fennel seeds

Fennel contains essential oils that help relieve gas and wind. To do this, you have to use the grains, not the tubers – although the tubers are also very tasty.

It is better if you pound yourself fennel seeds before brewing tea so that the essential oils are really free.

To do this, you can open the tea bag and take out the grains, or buy loose fennel tea in the pharmacy or health food store.

If you don’t have a mortar or a food processor to crush the fennel seeds, you can use a glass bottle to crush the fennel seeds on a hard surface (kitchen worktop).

So that they don’t “jump” through the kitchen for you, put them in a freezer bag before you mash them!

Pour boiling water over the crushed fennel seeds and let them steep for at least 10 minutes. Drink the warm tea in small sips.

Caraway seed

Caraway seed

Caraway has the same properties as fennel, but is relatively unknown as a tea. Of course, you can cook caraway tea using the same principle as with fennel , but it tastes much better if you season your food with caraway seeds.

Caraway goes well with jacket potatoes, all types of cabbage and many vegetable dishes. Chew the seeds well so that as much of the effective essential oil as possible can escape!



The small seeds of anise and the essential oils they contain also help against flatulence. It doesn’t matter whether you use star anise or “normal” anise seeds.

You probably know anise from French aniseed schnapps as an aperitif or from the deliciously smelling Christmas bakery. You can buy the seeds loose or as tea from the pharmacy all year round .

Incidentally, this is also cheaper than buying overpriced aniseed seeds in small bags from the Christmas spice department in the run-up to Christmas …

You can use it to brew a tea using the same method as with fennel, but you can also chew the seeds pure, they taste wonderfully spicy after a holiday in France or Christmas aniseed cookies …



Peppermint also helps against flatulence. Since the essential oil in dried tea leaves evaporates quickly, you should use fresh mint for gas.

If you don’t have fresh mint in your flower pot or garden, you can buy it as a potted plant in many supermarkets, but also in the vegetable department or in Turkish / Arabic vegetable stores as freshly cut branches.

Pour hot water on, let it steep for at least 10 minutes and drink in small sips.


Lactic acid bacteria  to relieve flatulence

Flatulence can have many causes, some of which originate in the intestines. One-sided nutrition through diets, alleged food intolerances or nutritional half-knowledge leads to unhealthy digestion.

Lactic acid bacteria support a healthy intestinal flora. You don’t have to buy the expensive probiotic dairy products that are advertised as health-promoting.

A varied supply of these bacteria from different sources works just as well and is much cheaper.

Natural yoghurt of various yoghurt bacteria (“mild” or “Greek”, …), kefir, but also sauerkraut and kimchi (white cabbage, spicy and sour fermented) contain lactic acid bacteria!

If you consume such foods regularly, you will effectively prevent flatulence!


Ginger and garlic

The “jack of all trades” ginger can also help against flatulence! Its somewhat pungent essential oils stimulate digestion and work against bacteria and fungi.

Incidentally, garlic works just as well. If you don’t have fresh ginger root in the house, you can also use garlic.

You can chew ginger and garlic raw, but chew them well and not swallow them in large pieces to release as much essential oils as possible.

If you finely grate ginger with a kitchen grater, you can also use it to make an effective tea. You can also buy ginger juice, which you can use to make ginger tea in a flash.

Simply mix with warm water to taste, sweeten with honey, for example, and also drink in small sips.

With all teas against flatulence, it is important that you make sure that you only drink them in sips and that you do not swallow any air, because that would make the stomach ache even worse !

So drink consciously and sip by sip. Please also do not drink cold tea, the tea should always be warm, because warmth brings additional relaxation for the digestive tract.

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