7 Common Mistakes In The Kitchen

Although most of these mistakes are not harmful to health, they should be avoided to make daily household chores easier and to save time in the kitchen.

7 common mistakes in the kitchen

When asked about the cleaning and tidiness of the kitchen, most are convinced that there is nothing wrong with it in their home. But we all make certain mistakes in the kitchen .

Just because you’re used to doing things a certain way doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. Sometimes it is just a matter of tradition, whereby scientific knowledge does not come into play. 

Then we will list a few mistakes that are very common in the kitchen.

Do not keep herbs fresh

Who doesn’t love a flavorful dish? Sometimes parsley, basil, mint or coriander are needed for this. Most buy these spices fresh in plastic bags  or other containers.

Mistakes in keeping herbs

This is good for transporting the herbs home, but then you should take them  out of the packaging and store them in a fresh place. It is advisable to put the herbs in a glass of water.

In this way, they can be stored longer without them wilting prematurely.

Extreme temperatures damage the herbs.  For example, if they are near a radiator or in the refrigerator, they will not last that long. A common mistake is that fresh herbs are stored in the refrigerator and can no longer be used in a few days.

The best alternative is to buy a pot herb plant or to sow it yourself. You only need a little space, but you always have fresh herbs on hand.

Keep opened cans

Failure to store the tomato sauce

Canned foods have several advantages: they can be preserved for a very long time and, for example, allow us to consume different foods even out of season.

However, it should be noted  that once opened, the food should not be kept in the can.

The cans are usually made of aluminum or iron. However, they are only rust-free as long as no air gets inside. As soon as the can is opened, oxidation begins and residues of aluminum or iron mix with the food within a few hours.

If you’re not eating all of the canned food, then you should store the rest of the food  in another container in the refrigerator or freezer. It’s best to use a plastic or glass jar for this.

This error is also very common, because many consider it quite normal to keep the leftovers in the can.

Peel the bananas incorrectly

This mistake does not cause any health problems, it is simply a bad habit that almost everyone has. Most of us peel bananas from top to bottom,  but actually it would be the other way around.

This may seem unimportant, but it makes it easier to process the fruit afterwards.

Tear off aluminum foil

Failure to use aluminum foil in the kitchen

Are you one of those people who just tear off the aluminum foil as it comes? Then you should make sure that there is a sharp edge along one length of the cardboard box, which is intended for this.

This mistake is also very common. It would of course be correct to tear off the aluminum foil exactly  at this edge,  this is the easiest way and the foil is straight.

Mistakes in peeling potatoes

When peeling potatoes, many also cut away a lot of the potato itself. But the next time you peel potatoes, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Wash the potato as you normally would.
  • Use a knife to draw a line around the potatoes.
  • Then the potatoes are boiled.
  • As soon as they are tender, remove the potatoes from the heat and place them in a bowl of ice-cold water.
  • Now you can easily peel off the shell with your fingers.

This trick is very simple and makes peeling the potatoes a lot easier  You just have to prepare the potatoes appropriately instead of peeling them with a knife after cooking, which takes much longer and which means that some of the potatoes are always lost.

Error cleaning microwave

Mistake while cleaning the oven in the kitchen

Do you hate cleaning the microwave oven because it seems so awkward to you?

It’s easy to do if you put a damp sponge in the microwave  and then soak it for a minute. Then carefully remove the sponge.

The water has evaporated and the residue is very easy to remove. You can now easily remove dirt and food residues with a cloth.

Serve food in cold plates

Do you make an effort for a delicious meal and try to serve it nice and warm? If you prepare the plates nicely beforehand, the food will cool down quite quickly.

This doesn’t usually happen in restaurants and this is where the fault is to be found. In good restaurants  the plates are preheated and therefore the food stays warm longer.

You can simply heat the plate briefly in the microwave oven and then serve the food on it. So the heat will last a lot longer.

Perhaps these little tips can also be useful for you. Do you know any other tricks that you would like to share with us?

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