8 Critical Signs Of Renal Failure That Are Often Ignored

Since symptoms of renal failure can be confused with other diseases, it is very important to be vigilant and, if necessary, have a medical exam done if two or more signs appear.

8 crucial signs of kidney failure that are often ignored

Do you know the signs of kidney failure ? Find out more in our article and do not ignore them, but better consult a doctor!

Well-functioning kidneys are of the utmost importance to health. This paired organ is located under the chest and is responsible  for processing 120 to 150 liters of blood daily. 

The kidneys clean the blood and prevent certain diseases from developing. They are also responsible for the electrolyte balance, produce red blood cells and regulate blood pressure.

Therefore, a disorder of the kidney functions is often responsible for serious diseases that can have a very negative impact on our quality of life.

Renal insufficiency is  usually only recognized at an advanced stage and severely affects the life of those affected.

Since the symptoms are often confused with other, common complaints, they are usually not given enough attention.

However, since an early diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment, we will then give you 8 signs of  renal insufficiency .

1. Edema or swelling as a sign of renal failure

Edema as a sign of renal insufficiency

Sick kidneys can often be recognized by  fluid retention, which accumulates in the tissue and thus leads to swelling. 

This symptom can arise as a result of various illnesses, but in most cases it is caused by  a kidney problem. 

The swellings are usually noticeable in the following areas of the body:

  • Feet
  • legs
  • ankle
  • face
  • hands
  • belly

2. Rashes

Renal insufficiency causes harmful substances to accumulate in the blood,  which are transported to the pores and excreted through the skin.

This leads to rashes, acne, pimples or severe itching.

Creams or lotions can almost always relieve these symptoms, but a kidney cleanse is the most effective.

3. Changes in urination habits

Examination of renal failure

Changes in urination are very easy to spot and  are one of the clearest signs of kidney failure.

These include, for example:

  • Feeling of pressure and difficulty urinating.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • The urine is darker and has a strong smell.
  • Too much or too little urine.
  • The urine is frothy.
  • Increased urination at night.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Burning sensation after urinating.

4. Fatigue

One of the main tasks of the kidneys is the production of erythropoietin. This is a hormone that is needed for red blood cells to be made and for oxygen to be transported through the blood.

In the case of kidney disorders, less erythropoietin is produced, which leads to a feeling of tiredness.

Fatigue, muscle pain and difficulty concentrating can therefore be signs of kidney failure.

5. Feeling cold

Feeling cold with renal insufficiency

As already mentioned, a kidney disorder causes fewer red blood cells to be produced and therefore increases the risk of anemia.

In addition, a  lack of energy and a strong feeling of cold are the result. Those affected often assure that the cold does not go away with exposure to the sun, they also often suffer from chills.

6. back pain

A sharp pain in the lower back or one side can also be a sign of kidney failure.

These pains  are often due to polycystic kidneys, kidney stones or liver problems;  they occur more frequently after long periods of standing.

However, this pain is not to be confused with normal muscle pain. This back pain should be given sufficient attention as it can be crucial for an early diagnosis.

7. Metal taste in the mouth

Metal taste in the mouth with renal insufficiency

The damaged kidney causes harmful substances to accumulate in the blood, which can lead to various disorders.

Many sufferers therefore feel bad taste when eating or afterwards and suffer from bad breath.

A metallic or ammonia-like taste in the mouth is characteristic here. Loss of taste in various foods can also lead to nutritional deficiencies.

8. Nausea and nausea

Continuous nausea and nausea are also indicators that there may be something wrong with your kidneys.

Since  residues and pollutants are not excreted correctly , these symptoms worsen over time, which can also lead to loss of appetite.

The signs of kidney failure can be different for each person, although the degree of disease also plays an important role, of course.

Anyone who has two or more of the symptoms mentioned should have a medical examination to rule out a possible disease or, if necessary, to initiate appropriate treatment.

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