8 Daily Strategies To Prevent A Stroke

In order to prevent a stroke as much as possible, it is important to eat a healthy diet and exercise enough to promote blood circulation.

8 daily strategies to prevent a stroke

The stroke, also known as stroke, ictus or cerebral insult, is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Women in particular are affected by this, so it is important to be adequately informed and to take the best possible precautions against a stroke.

There are two different types of stroke:  ischemic and hemorrhagic,  the latter being more severe and more likely to result in death.

The answer to the question of whether a stroke can be 100% prevented is no. It can affect people of all ages, but the risk of stroke increases with age.

There are several simple strategies that can be used to prevent a strokeThese also improve the quality of life.

In today’s post we invite you, for the sake of your health and well-being, not only to get to know these strategies, but also to practice them on a daily basis.

1. Check your blood pressure as a preventive measure against a stroke

Regardless of age, you should check your blood pressure regularly, because fluctuations or a sudden increase can have serious consequences.

Increased blood pressure values ​​overload the heart and arteries,  the consequences can be serious and also lead to a stroke.

If you don’t want to go to the doctor that often, you can also check your blood pressure regularly at home with a blood pressure monitor and keep a diary. It is worth it!

2. Check blood sugar levels

Medical check-ups should be carried out regularly. As you get older, this is very important for your health!

For example, diabetes is another cause that  could result in a stroke. If less insulin is produced, damage to the blood vessels occurs over time and the whole organism suffers from the consequences.

So don’t forget to have regular check-ups with your family doctor!

3. Foods that help against high cholesterol

Pomegranate as a preventive measure against a stroke

From the age of 40, high cholesterol levels often occur unnoticed. In this case, the time has come to take action, eat healthier and do more exercise.

You know for sure that cholesterol clings to the walls of the arteries and forms atherosclerotic plaque, which prevents the blood from circulating properly. As a result, the arteries that supply nutrients and oxygen to the brain can become blocked. 

The following foods can help you reduce cholesterol:

  • pomegranate
  • garlic
  • onion
  • olive oil
  • artichoke
  • White tea
  • linseed
  • nuts

4. Walk for 30 minutes or do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise daily

Light movement that adapts to your physical capabilities is extremely important. For example, if you have knee problems, you can walk and swim for 15 minutes on the plains every day without getting too tired.

An active life (as far as possible) is of the utmost importance in preventing a stroke. The organism is supplied with oxygen, the arteries become more flexible, the heart is strengthened and the blood circulation (including the brain) is promoted.

Have you already gone for a walk today?

5. An adequate weight and lukewarm water with lemon to cleanse the organism


Lemon juice to prevent a stroke

As you know, an adequate weight is of great importance for general health and for prevention against various diseases. Losing weight is also one of the strategies for preventing a stroke:

  • This improves blood circulation,
  • the body cleansed of pollutants,
  • promotes heart and liver health,
  • the cholesterol levels are improved and
  • the natural defenses strengthened.

glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice is an excellent and healthy way to start the day! You will see how well this simple measure does.

6. New activities to quit smoking

Smoking especially increases the risk of a stroke. Everyone knows by now that smoking is harmful to health, but millions of people around the world depend on this dangerous habit.

Talk to your doctor and set goals and strategies that can help you quit this vice. Remember that new activities and areas of interest can also help you break this addiction.

  • Register for a course, for dance lessons, for painting lessons …
  • Lean on your family or friends.
  • Set goals like: If I don’t smoke for two months, I’ll go on a trip.

7. Find out about warning signs that may indicate a stroke

You know that healthy lifestyle habits are very important in preventing a stroke. However, despite an active life and good health, there remains a residual risk that cannot be prevented.

Even if you are young and healthy,  knowing the emergency symptoms is important  as these can save lives:

  • One half of the body falls asleep, one can no longer feel a hand or an arm.
  • Inability to speak normally, one stutters, the words do not want to come out …
  • One half of my face falls asleep.
  • Sudden, severe or tired
  • severe headache with nausea.

8. Maintain your cognitive performance and your emotions

Happiness as a preventive measure against a stroke

Don’t forget to be happy every day of your life! Positive emotions are the basis of our health and should not be missing.

Set priorities, take time for yourself, look for a room where you feel comfortable and where you can pursue your interests … New learning experiences  strengthen the health of the brain and create new neural connections.

The better the neural network, the greater the protection against a stroke.

Don’t forget to smile and learn new things every day!

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