8 Medicinal Herbs Against Joint Pain Caused By Arthritis

Typical symptoms of arthritis are, in addition to the pain, warming of the affected joints, swelling and reddening of the affected area.

8 herbs for joint pain caused by arthritis

Anyone who suffers from arthritis knows the joint pain that accompanies life. Far too often and too much, painkillers from the pharmacy are used, although there are also herbal remedies that help. We’ll show you here which ones they are.

What is arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease. Please do not compare or confuse with “osteoarthritis”! Arthrosis is joint wear and tear without inflammation, arthritis is always associated with inflammation of the joint!

Typical symptoms of arthritis are, in addition to pain, warming of the affected joints, swelling and reddening of the affected area.

There are several causes of arthritis. The most common are: rheumatism, bacterial infections (for example after surgery) and gout.

What all forms have in common, however, is pain, which is not only relieved by pharmacy tablets. The following herbal remedies also bring relief:



One component of ginger inhibits an enzyme that is active in the body when there is pain. If this enzyme is inhibited, the pain is alleviated. The principle works like a painkiller, only a little more gentle on the stomach and more natural.

The components of ginger are particularly effective against muscle pain, but also for mild headaches and rheumatism, as ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.

In combination with the analgesic effect, ginger is particularly popular in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis, as it reduces pain and inhibits inflammation.

Pineapple pieces


The pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which soothes inflammation and reduces swelling. Therefore, this active ingredient is also often recommended after dental or oral surgery interventions.

In order to absorb the necessary amount of bromelain, you have to incorporate a lot of pineapple into your diet, but the active ingredient is also available in concentrated form in tablet form.

If you only occasionally suffer from joint problems and want to prevent inflammation and swelling, simply integrate pineapple products such as pineapple juice or fresh pineapple (please not sugared and only canned fruits without sugar!) In your daily menu.



A spice that is rather uncommon in Germany also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is turmeric, which is also called turmeric or incorrectly saffron root. You usually get it ground as an exotic spice.

Turmeric gives food an intense yellow color and is much cheaper than saffron. The taste is mildly spicy, which is why you can use it generously for seasoning against arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effects in knee arthritis have even been confirmed by studies.

Papaya juice


The tropical papaya contains enzymes that should ensure that inflammatory swellings are reduced, metabolic products are removed more quickly and inflammation is contained.


Sour cherries

The knowledge that tart cherries contain anti-inflammatory substances is still relatively new. The red-violet plant pigments of the sour cherry should ensure that certain enzymes in our body that promote inflammation are inhibited.

Sour cherries are therefore increasingly used in the therapy of arthritis and rheumatism.

Important: Since the active ingredients are in the red coloring agent, it is not enough to just drink sour cherry nectar or “fruit juice drink”, it must be juices with 100% fruit – no matter how sour they are …


Omega-3 fatty acids

The anti-inflammatory potential of omega-3 fatty acids has been researched in studies and recommended against joint inflammation such as arthritis,  rheumatism and also inflammatory bowel disease and asthma .

Omega-3 fatty acids are contained in linseed oil in a particularly good ratio of fatty acids. In contrast, olive oil, which has been widely praised by clever marketing, contains almost no omega-3 fatty acids.

Oils with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are also: chia oil, hemp oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Oily sea fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, but in a significantly lower concentration than the vegetable oils mentioned above.



Wraps have an old-fashioned reputation and the word makes you think with horror of mother’s fever-lowering calf wraps that you had to endure safely as a child.

But adults can also use compresses to relieve their symptoms, in this case joint pain. A worth trying are carbon wrapping.

To do this, the thick central ribs are cut out of white cabbage leaves. Then place the cabbage leaves in a large freezer bag and roll vigorously over the leaves with a rolling pin or glass water bottle until the juice comes out.

Now wrap the cabbage leaves around the painful joint and fix them with a gauze bandage. Leave the cabbage wrap on overnight and don’t remove it until the next morning.

Fruit Vegetable

Prefer plant-based food

Animal protein and animal fats promote inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, in the case of inflammatory joint diseases and the resulting pain, the consumption of animal products (meat, dairy products, etc.) should be severely restricted or avoided.

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