A Glass Of Red Wine Every Day?

Wine contains many polyphenols and therefore works against free radicals and protects the heart. Consumption should always be kept in moderation.

A glass of red wine every day?

Many doctors recommend a glass of red wine to their patients every day as it is good for their health. Many people put this advice into practice without knowing why red wine is beneficial for health.

Find out more about the advantages of a glass of red wine in this article .

A glass of red wine a day, the special recipe

Wine is healthy as long as you don’t exceed the recommended amount. Experts set this to 1 glass of red wine a day. But not every wine has the same effect. To get its health benefits, you need to choose red wine.

In turn, you shouldn’t drink this at some point, preferably  for lunch or dinner (it is best in the evening, because if you still have to work after lunch, you cannot enjoy the wine that much).

All of this advice has been confirmed in various scientific studies. It was found that a glass of red wine a day can provide preventive measures for many cardiovascular diseases in both women and men.

Red wine also helps with other ailments such as diabetes, dementia and osteoporosis. Even though wine is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages in the world, its therapeutic effect was discovered not so long ago.

In the past, people only drank wine to enjoy themselves, to relax or to enjoy another drink at the table.

Advantages of wine

The following benefits were found when consuming a glass of red wine per day:

  • Reduction of the risk of mortality due to various causes: Research in Europe has confirmed that consuming 22 to 32 grams of alcohol per day is good for our health and reduces mortality for various reasons. In Denmark, France and England it is believed that adequate consumption of red wine is better than beer or other alcoholic beverages.
  • Reduces the effects of cigarettes : Wine can regulate damage to blood vessels caused by tobacco, regardless of whether it is about vasodilation or relaxation. In particular, it has a positive effect on the heart and the endothelium (a layer of cells that prevents friction between lymphatic and blood vessels).
  • You can prevent heart and vascular diseases: This is the best-known property of red wine, as long as you drink it regularly and in the recommended amount. Scientists have confirmed that red wine reduces the risk of heart disease as it helps lower bad cholesterol and raise good ones.
  • Red wine acts like an anticoagulant and also has an antithrombotic effect: it is not even necessary to drink wine every day. It has been found that occasional wine drinkers also have less fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a blood protein that plays an important role in blood clotting.

    Other advantages

    • Prevention against arteriosclerosis (also called atherosclerosis): This is a pathological change in the arteries. Red wine can alleviate the symptoms of this disease and also provide preventative measures. Atherosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels lose their ability to relax. The alcohol in red wine keeps blood vessels healthy by producing nitric oxide. This is crucial for vascular relaxation.
    • Balancing Blood Pressure:  It is common knowledge that too much alcohol can cause blood pressure to rise. However, a glass of red wine daily (250 ml) has the opposite effect. One drink after a meal can help reduce blood pressure.
    • Fewer kidney stones: Consuming red wine every day reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.
    • Can prevent Alzheimer’s: Various studies have shown that resveratrol (a component of red wine) has a protective effect on nerve cells and can be used as a preventative against Alzheimer’s.

    Red wine has the following advantages, among others:

    • Prevention against dementia
    • Reduces the risk of rheumatic arthritis.
    • Prevention against flu and colds
    • Reduces the risk of developing throat cancer.
    • Helps you stay awake.
    • Improves digestive functions.
    • Improves blood circulation.
    • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
    • Prevention against premature cell aging and dementia.
    • Helps with varicose veins.
    • Prostate Cancer Prevention .
    • Improves the absorption of proteins.
    • Improves the complexion.
    • It improves eyesight and helps with diseases such as diabetic retinopathy.
    • Reduces the pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.
    • Helps with allergies due to its antihistamine properties.
    • Prevents blood clots.

    Why red wine?

    Many will wonder why it has to be red wine of all things and not, for example, rosé, white wine or sparkling wine. There are various reasons for this. Let’s take a closer look at the drink. Red wine is made from blue grapes that are harvested directly from the vine.

    The grapes can be picked by hand, with scissors or special harvesting machines.

    Noble red wines are mainly produced manually, from planting and caring for the grapevine to harvesting, as well as transporting and producing the wine, are largely done in the traditional way.

    The production of the wine takes place through maceration, pressing, fermentation, expansion, maturation and bottling.

    Among other things, red wine is health-promoting because it contains polyphenols (in the skin and seeds of the grapes), which protect the heart, among other things . In which way?

    They eliminate free radicals. For the production of white wine, for example, only the pulp is used, so it does not contain any polyphenols. The amount of polyphenols a wine contains depends on the type of grape, the sun, the earth and the alcohol concentration.

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