Dietary Fiber And Bitter Substances For A Healthy Liver

Our liver has the ability to regenerate again and again. It is therefore extremely important to help her with liver-protecting foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dietary fiber and bitter substances for a healthy liver

As is well known, the liver performs numerous and very important functions. Often we only become aware of this as soon as complaints arise. Bitter substances and fiber are important in our diet.

The most common liver disease is hepatomegaly. This causes the liver to become inflamed and enlarged to such an extent that it will cause serious consequences if the problem is not treated appropriately.

A diet high in fat and sugar with predominantly refined foods  can poison the liver and severely impair metabolic and cleansing functions.

That’s why we’d like to recommend 2 great ways to protect liver health : fiber and bitter substances .

Fiber for Liver Health

Doctors and nutritionists recommend a balanced and healthy diet to protect the liver. Fat should be avoided as much as possible. 

The way the dishes are prepared also plays an important role. We recommend roasting without (or with very little) fat, preparation in the oven and steaming are also suitable methods.

Dietary fiber should not be missing in the daily diet

A lack of fiber can increase cholesterol and blood sugar levels


Why is fiber so important?

Fiber improves the absorption of nutrients from other foods.

  • Insoluble fiber also has a draining effect and protects the intestines. A clean intestine enables nutrients to enter the bloodstream free of toxins.
  • Soluble fiber, on the other hand, ferment and then serve to regulate the cholesterol level, maintain the intestinal flora and reduce LDL cholesterol.
  • With fatty liver, the affected person often suffers from high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. This is why foods that are slowly absorbed are important – this is the case, for example, with high-fiber whole grain products.
  • Note, however: Prefer sugar-free whole grain products!
  • The  daily requirement for fiber is approx. 30 gr. Now you have a guideline that you can follow on a daily basis.

Appropriate high fiber foods

  • oats
  • Whole grain rice
  • Whole wheat flours
  • Rye bread
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Lentils (in salads and low-fat stews)
  • sugar-free whole grain cereals

Bitter substances: advantages


Endive, broccoli, coleslaw. .. are not particularly popular with many, but they are very healthy! Instead of a burger and a pizza, you should switch to healthy vegetables.

Bitter substances in particular promote and protect the liver: 

  • This then stimulates the production of gastric juices,
  • improves digestion through certain enzymes,
  • Nutrients better absorbed as well
  • the liver is protected  and its metabolic and cleansing functions are strengthened.

Bitter foods help with liver detoxification

  • Bitter vegetables (e.g. chicory) are rich in phytonutrients that rid the liver of harmful substances.
  • The cholesterol level is also regulated by bitter substances, fats are metabolized and the blood is then purified.

Natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

The liver needs antioxidants and minerals on a regular basis. This protects the liver from bacteria and pollutants.

Vitamin C is also very important to strengthen the liver and then keep it healthy.

Bitter vegetables are very helpful for them

  • are rich in vitamins A, C and K as well as calcium, potassium and magnesium,
  • contain a large amount of fiber as well as folic acid and
  • are low in fat and low in sodium.

Recommended foods with bitter substances

  • arugula
  • broccoli
  • thistle
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Leaf lettuce
  • Bitter melon
  • cucumber
  • licorice
  • mustard
  • cauliflower
  • cress
  • artichokes
  • Chicory

Liver protecting  drinks are also very helpful. Note, however, that these should be taken in moderation.

  • coffee
  • Tonic water (rich in quinine)
  • Valerian tea
  • Milk thistle tea
  • White tea
  • Lemon juice
  • Grapefruit juice

In conclusion: don’t forget that the liver has the ability to regenerate itself. So if you eat healthy, you will promote their healing and health.

However, always follow the instructions of your doctor if this should be necessary.

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