Dirty Money

If you have touched banknotes or coins, you should always wash your hands, as many bacteria can be found on them, which could get into the body by touching them through the mouth or eyes.

Dirty money

Everyone uses money in everyday life  .  We keep touching banknotes or coins, and they have a large number of bacteria. If hygienic measures are not taken, these bacteria can be harmful to health.

So it’s a good reason  to wash your hands often. A simple measure that we can take to avoid many health problems.

Because when a banknote is touched, many bacteria are also taken over, which can penetrate the organism if, for example, the mouth or eyes are then touched.

Studies conducted in the United States and Colombia have  shown that the bacteria on the bills can cause inflammation.

But that’s not all. These bacteria in turn contain microorganisms that can trigger diseases that cannot be fended off by the immune system.

Staphylococcus epidermis

This bacteria causes inflammation in various parts of the body. Symptoms such as fever, tiredness, local pain, rapid breathing, heartbeats, increased sweating, etc. can occur.

Bacillus on money

Some types of bacillus do not cause symptoms. But there are others that can harm both humans and animals. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea five to ten hours after an infestation.


Streptococci are the cause of many serious illnesses, such as: B. meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis, sore throat and many more. But there are also  streptococci that are harmless.

Escherichia coli

The symptoms of this bacterium can include severe abdominal pain, diarrhea (often with blood), vomiting, and a slight fever. The disease can occur three, four or up to ten days after infection.

Don’t forget: wash your hands!

Wash your hands

Many of these bacteria are in the area, so it is very easy to get infected. These microorganisms can enter our body through negligence, often only because our hands are not washed before eating.

Many bacteria to which we are exposed every day can cause simple inflammation. However, there are isolated cases in which serious gastroenteritis is caused, which in rare extreme cases can even lead to death.

Since contact with the money cannot be avoided, it is advisable  to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.  Especially before eating or before, for example, touching a baby. This simple preventive measure can avoid serious health problems.

Note …

Coins can carry up to 2,400 bacteria, many of which are similar to the bacteria found in banknotes. The difference is that the microorganisms stick to the notes and their number increases with continuous use.


Remember, bills and coins are perfect for bacteria to spread. Small children should not come into contact with banknotes and especially coins.

Mouth, eyes or any other part of the body should never be touched after coming into contact with money. It is advisable to wash your hands thoroughly before doing this.

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