Don’t Throw Away Banana And Orange Peel!

Both orange and banana peels have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties and therefore help with acne and blackheads.

Do not throw away banana and orange peel!

Most of the time, banana and orange peel are simply thrown away without thinking. Many do not know that these have numerous beneficial properties that can be used perfectly.

That is why most people almost always treat the fruit peels as waste. But there are numerous uses for it.

So the next time you eat these types of fruit, we recommend that you also use the banana and orange peelHere you can find out what you can do with it. 

Properties and uses of banana and orange peel

Orange peel

It is advisable to always buy untreated or organic oranges whose peel has not been chemically post-treated. These oranges are grown in an environmentally friendly way and are far healthier.

Otherwise, a spoon of lemon juice can be mixed with a spoon of vinegar in order to rid the oranges of pesticide traces as much as possible.

Orange peel

Many of the valuable nutrients in the orange are in its peel. A medium-sized orange  contains around 60 flavonoids and 170 phytochemicals.

 They have a wide variety of health-promoting properties, ensure beautiful skin and they can also be used in various households.

Uses for orange peel

  • The orange peel contains digestive properties  and stimulates the metabolism. They help with flatulence, heartburn, nausea and acid regurgitation. They also stimulate the appetite and counteract nausea.
  • Ground orange peel has an expectorant effect  and is therefore highly recommended for healthy airways, coughs and asthma.
  • The most important properties of the orange peel are due to the essential oil “D-limonene” it contains,  which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps regulate stomach acid and encourages bowel movement.
  • Orange peel also help lower blood pressure,  regulate triglyceride levels, and normalize liver function. The peel of this delicious fruit also contains the flavonoid hesperidin, which helps with colon cancer and osteoporosis.
  • To promote the beauty of the skin, grated orange peel can be used as an exfoliant.  This will remove dead skin cells and treat blackheads and pimples.
  • Orange peel can also help reduce dark spots on the skin.
  • The skin of the oranges is also very helpful against acne as it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

    Uses for banana peel

    Banana peel

    Banana peels contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help with various problems and health ailments. Then we mention different uses. If you know others, we look forward to your contribution!

    • Banana peels help filter water  as they absorb lead and copper.
    • After an insect bite, the peel of the banana will help alleviate the annoying discomfort. Simply rub the affected area of ​​skin with the inside of the shell.
    • Banana peels also help wound healing  because they have a regenerative effect.
    • If you rub your teeth with a banana peel for two minutes, they will get whiter in a few weeks.
    • The peels of this delicious fruit also help against warts. So just rub the wart with the peel every day, you will see the results in a short time.
    • Small wounds can also be rubbed with a banana peel to speed the healing process.
    • The peel of the banana also helps against acne and skin inflammation. In this case, too, the affected areas of skin are simply rubbed with the peel every evening.
    • Incredible but true: a banana peel can also bring relief from headaches. All you have to do is put a banana peel on your forehead and relax.
    • If you want to prevent premature wrinkling , it is also a good idea to rub the skin regularly with banana peel.
    • You can also make furniture shine with banana peels. Rub the furniture with the shell and then polish with a cotton cloth.

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